Year 2011 Vol. 19 No 1




The article is devoted to the clinical manifestations, course and treatment methods of a severe illness of the famous Russian poet Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov, which the poet had during the last years of his life and which resulted in his untimely death in the prime of his creativity. At the beginning of 1877 it wasn’t a secret that the poet was terminally ill and all lovers of the Russian literature took this news as a personal grief. Such famous doctors as E.I. Bogdanovsky, N.A. Belogolovy, T. Bilrot, N.V. Sklifosovsky and S.P. Botkin treated the poet but unfortunately they couldn’t help him. Despite unbearable sufferings exactly in this period the poet managed to write his famous cycle of poems «Last songs». In his last poems, feeling hopelessness, doom and inevitable death the poet addressed to the people with a farewell revelation, the most sacred trust and sincere which were in his soul.

Keywords: Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov, illness of a poet
p. 3 – 7 of the original issue
  1. Сорокин, Ю. Э. Болезнь Н.А. Некрасова и хирург Е. И. Богдановский / Ю. Э. Сорокин // Вестн. хирургии им. Грекова. – 1984. – Т. 132, № 3. – С. 143-145.
  2. Болезнь и оперативное лечение поэта Н. А. Некрасова / А. И. Нечай [и др.] // Вестн. истории военной медицины. – 2001. – № 1. – С. 179-187.
  3. Жданов, В. В. Некрасов / В. В. Жданов. – М.: Молодая гвардия, 1971. – 494 с.
  4. Некрасов, Н. А. Стихотворения 1845-1877 / Н. А. Некрасов. – М.: Худож. лит., 1976. – Т. 1 – 495 с.
  5. Портрет в русской живописи XIX века [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: – Дата доступа: 29.09.2010.
  6. Белоголовый, Н. А. Болезнь Николая Алексеевича Некрасова / Н. А. Белоголовый // Н. А. Некрасов в воспоминаниях современников. – М., 1971. – С. 428-439.
  7. Достоевский, Ф.М. Дневник писателя – декабрь 1877 / Ф. М. Достоевский [Электронный ресурс]. – Гл. 2. – Режим доступа: – Дата доступа: 02.10.2010.




Objectives. Improvement of the results of purulent wounds treatment after the local application of photodynamic therapy (PDT).
Methods. The apparatuses “Romashka” and “Rodnik-1”, a photosensitizer “Photolon”, rats Wistar, strains of microorganisms S. aureus, E. coli, P. aeruginosa, B. fragilis, C. difficile were used. A purulent wound was modeled in rats. All animals were divided into the control and test groups depending on the applied method of treatment. Rats were deduced from the experiment on the 3, 7, 10, 14, 21 and 28 days and the material for the research was taken. Histological preparations were prepared from wound sites, quantitative microbiological research was performed.
Results. It is established that carrying out PDT at the treatment of purulent wounds renders an expressed antibacterial and healing action. The positive result of PDT application at a local treatment of purulent wounds is shown to accelerate necrolityc processes, to decrease inflammatory reaction, to stimulate the development of granulation and regional epitheliation.
Conclusions. PDT application at treatment of pyoinflammatory processes is approved and effective.

Keywords: rat, purulent wound, experiment, photodynamic therapy
p. 8 – 15 of the original issue
  1. Ищук, А. В. Использование фотодинамической терапии лазерным аппаратом «Родник-1» с фотосенсибилизатором «Хлорофиллипт» в лечении гнойных ран и трофических язв нижних конечностей / А. В. Ищук, С. И. Леонович // Новости хирургии. – 2008. – № 1. – С. 44-54.
  2. Новожилов, А. А. Опыт применения магнитотерапии при острой хирургической инфекции / А. А. Новожилов, Ю. А. Родин, А. А. Ушаков // Лечащий врач. – 2006. – № 8. – С. 76-77.
  3. Современный взгляд на антимикробную фотодинамическую терапию / В. Т. Пальчун [и др.] // Вестн. оториноларингологии. – 2007. – № 3. – С. 4-6.
  4. Шурыгина, Е. П. Обоснование показаний к различным методам применения лазерного излучения в комплексном лечении острой гнойной хирургической инфекции мягких тканей / Е. П. Шурыгина // Лазерная медицина. – 2005. – Т. 9. – Вып. 3. – С. 18-23.
  5. Фотодинамическая терапия гнойно-воспалительных заболеваний мягких тканей у больных пожилого и старческого возраста / Е. Ф. Странадко [и др.] // Клин. геронтология. – 2000.– Т. 6, № 5-6. – С. 43-45.
  6. Новое в лечении заболеваний периодонта: фотодинамическая терапия / С. А. Наумович [и др.] // Современная стоматология. – 2007. – № 2. – С. 27-29.
  7. Гинюк, В. А. Методика моделирования острого местного гнойно-воспалительного процесса у лабораторных животных и проведения эксперимента по лечению полученных гнойных ран с помощью фоторегуляторной и фотодинамической терапии / В. А. Гинюк // Мед. журн. – 2009. – № 1. – С. 44-46.
  8. Положение о порядке использования экспериментальных животных в научно-исследовательских работах и учебном процессе в Белорусском государственном медицинском университете. – Минск: Изд-во БГМУ, 2006. – 6 с.
  9. Республиканские санитарно-гигиенические и санитарно-противоэпидемические правила и нормы. Безопасность работы с микроорганизмами 3 и 4 групп патогенности и гельминтами: Санитарные правила СП 17-129 РБ 2000. – Минск: М-во здравоохр. Респ. Беларусь, 2002. – 52 с.
  10. Республиканские санитарные нормы, правила и гигиенические нормативы. Устройство, оборудование и содержание экспериментально-биологических клиник (вивариев): Санитарные правила и нормы – Минск: М-во здравоохр. Респ. Беларусь, 2006. – 19 с.




Objectives. Detection of the localization and assessment of morphological and functional changes presenting in the biliary tract after cholecystectomy.
Methods. The article analyses the results of comprehensive clinical and functional studies of 198 patients who previously underwent removal of the gall bladder and in whom the postcholecystectomical syndrome at various times after surgery was diagnosed. On the identified data 65 patients were reoperated because of the bile outflow failure. In 26 observations of patients the endoscopic papillosphincterotomy was performed; and in 25 patients - the reconstructive surgery on the biliary tract. In 14 patients the repeated surgical interventions were not caused by organic pathology of the extra hepatic bile ducts.
Results. Retrospective analysis of repeated surgical procedures showed that the optimal distant results were noted in patients who underwent various options for imposing bypass biliodigestive derivations. In absence of evidence to the re-operative intervention in patients with clinical manifestations of biliary dyskinesia the conservative treatment with choleretic drugs and drugs increasing secretion of bile in complex with ganglion blocking is indicated.
Conclusions. Clinical manifestations of “postcholecystectomical syndrome” are largely due to undiagnosed and not eliminated organic changes in the terminal part of the common bile duct during the execution cholecystectomy, as well as the presence of concomitant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, requiring surgical correction at the time of the primary surgery.

Keywords: postcholecystectomical syndrome, major duodenal papilla, papillosphincterotomy, diskenesia
p. 16 – 21 of the original issue
  1. Ермолов, А. С. Хирургическое лечение острого холецистита у больных с высоким операционным риском / А. С. Ермолов, А. А. Гуляев, П. А. Иванов // Неотложная хирургия. Актуальные проблемы неотложной хирургии: материалы выездного пленума проблем. комиссии. – Пятигорск, 2005. – С. 28-29.
  2. Брискин, Б. С. Хирургическая тактика при остром холецистите и холедохолитиазе, осложненном механической желтухой, у больных пожилого и старческого возраста / Б. С. Брискин, М. Д. Дибиров, Г. С. Рыбаков // Анналы хирург. гепатологии. – 2008. – Т. 13, № 3. – С. 15-19.
  3. Гостищев, В. К. Особенности хирургической тактики при остром холецистите у больных старческого возраста / В. К. Гостищев, М. А. Евсеев // Хирургия. – 2001. – № 9. – С. 30-31.
  4. Борисов, А. Е. Анализ показателей лечения больных с острыми хирургическими заболеваниями органов живота в С.-Петербурге за 50 лет / А. Е. Борисов // Вестн. хирургии. – 1997. – Т. 156, № 3. – С. 35-39.
  5. Желчнокаменная болезнь / С. А. Дадвани [и др.]. – М.: Издат. дом. Видар-М., 2000. – 139 с.
  6. Нечай, А. И. Постхолецистэктомический синдром / А. И. Нечай // Анналы хирург. гепатологии. – 2006. – Т. 11, № 10. – С. 28-33.
  7. Циттерман, Я. С. Постхолецистэктомический синдром: современный взгляд на проблему / Я. С. Циттерман, Т. Г. Кунсман // Клин. медицина. – 2006. – № 8. – С. 4-11.
  8. Шептулин, А. А. Римские критерии функциональных расстройств желчного пузыря и сфинктера Одди: спорные и нерешенные вопросы / А. А. Шептулин // Рос. журн. гастроэнтерологии, гепатологии, колопроктологии. – 2005. – № 3. – С. 70-74.
  9. Луцевич, О. Э. Эндохирургические методики в лечении больных желчнокаменной болезнью / О. Э. Луцевич, С. А. Гордеев, Ю. А. Прохоров // Хирургия. – 2007. – № 7 – С. 70-74.
  10. Small-incision (minilaparotomy) versus laparoscopic cholesystectomy: a retrospective study in university hospital / T. Synacos [et al.] // Langenbeck. Arch Surg. – 2004. – Vol. 389. – P. 172-177.



Objectives. Optimization of the laparoscopic surgery tactics in patients with acute cholecystitis with an increased operative risk.
Methods. Treatment results of 59 patients of elderly and senile age with acute cholecystitis were analyzed. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy with a minimal pressure was carried out in 31 (52,5%) of the patients; in 28 (47,5%) of the patients laparoscopic cholecystectomy with the fan-shaped laparolift application was performed.
Results. Fan-shaped laparolift application permitted to widen indications for endovideosurgical operations in patients who have contraindications for pneumoperitoneum as well as to improve treatment results of the given category of patients: to decrease the duration of hospitalization, to reduce the percentage of postoperative complications and lethality.
Conclusions. Negative changes of the cardio-pulmonary system are less obvious at gas-free laparoscopic cholecystectomy with fan-shaped laparolift application than at laparoscopic cholecystectomy in conditions of carboxyperitoneum.

Keywords: acute cholecystitis, cholecystectomy, laparoscopic cholecystectomy, laparolift
p. 22 – 25 of the original issue
  1. Ермолов, А. С. Острый холецистит: современные методы лечения / А. С. Ермолов, А. А. Гуляев // Лечащий врач. – 2005. – № 2. – С. 16-18.
  2. Зубрицкий, В. Ф. Хирургическая тактика лечения осложненных форм желчнокаменной болезни у лиц пожилого и старческого возраста / В. Ф. Зубрицкий // Науч. труды ГИУВ МО РФ. – 2008. – Т. 1. – С. 56-59.
  3. 3 Мазитова, М. И. Безгазовая лапароскопия в гинекологии как альтернатива классической эндоскопии / М. И. Мазитова, А. Б. Ляпахин // Казан. мед. журн. – 2008. – Т. 89, № 4. – С. 498-502.
  4. Хирургия калькулезного холецистита в геронтологической практике / В. И. Малярчук [и др.] // Клин. геронтология. – 2004. – Т. 10, № 2. – С. 22-28.
  5. Нестеренко, Ю. А. Острый холецистит у пожилых и стариков / Ю. А. Нестеренко, С. В. Михайлусов // Клин. геронтология. – 2006. – Т. 12, № 6. – С. 40-46.
  6. Tambyraja, A. L. Outcome of laparoscopic cholecystectomy in patients 80 years and older / A. L. Tambyraja, S. Kumar, S. J. Nixon // World J. Surgery. – 2004. – Vol. 28. – P. 151-156.
  7. Лещенко, И. Г. Выбор тактики лечения больных с хроническим калькулезным холециститом в пожилом и старческом возрасте / И. Г. Лещенко, И. К. Александров, Б. И. Каплан // Вестн. хирургии. – 2005. – Т. 164, № 4. – С. 25-27.
  8. Мамсуров, М. Э. Лечение острого холецистита у больных с повышенным операционным риском: автореф. … дис. канд. мед. наук / М. Э. Мамсуров. – СПб., 2009. – 22 с.
  9. Korolija, D. Evaluation of quality of life after laparoscopic surgery. Evidence-based guidelines of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery / D. Korolija, S. Sauerland, S. Wood-Dauphinйe // Surg. Endoscopy. – 2004. – Vol. 18. – P. 879-897.
  10. Тезяев, В. В. Возможности использования мини-лапаротомной холецистэктомии при остром холецистите у больных пожилого и старческого возраста / В. В. Тезяев // Нижегород. мед. журн. – 2005. – № 2. – С. 124-128.
  11. Chousleb Mizrahi, E. Actual status of laparoscopic cholecystectomy / E. Chousleb Mizrahi, A. Tousle Kalach, S. ShuchleibChaba // Gastroenterol. Mex. – 2004. – Vol. 1. – P. 28-35.
  12. Веерообразный лапаролифт: пат. 2372045 МПК8 А61 В19/00, А61 В17/02 / С. А. Касумьян, А. А. Макуров, И. В. Абраменкова, В. И. Соловьев. – 2008116916; заявл. 28.04.2008; опубл.10.11.2009.



Objectives. To compare life quality in patients, suffering from chronic pancreatitis with pseudocysts, after they have undergone internal (IDO) or external draining (EDO) operations.
Methods. The prospective research according to several criteria without randomization has been carried out. Treatment results of 20 patients (2008–2009 years) with various kinds of IDO and 19 patients with EDO after necrosectomy have been analyzed.
Results. IDO is preferable as it provides a larger gain of indicators of physical and mental health life quality in the operated patients (Mann-Whitney’s U-test). After IDO there were no relapses of pseudocysts and lethal outcomes.
Conclusions. The results received after performance of IDO proves awake surgical tactics in the patients, suffering from chronic pancreatitis with pseudocysts. EDO after necrosectomy is rather the forced variant of a surgical intervention which is expedient for applying in the presence of complications of pseudocysts (rupture or peritonitis).

Keywords: chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic pseudocysts, surgical treatment
p. 26 – 31 of the original issue
  1. Schlosser, W. Pseudocysts treatment in chronic pancreatitis – surgical treatment of the underlying disease increases the long-term success / W. Schlosser, M. Siech, H. G. Beger // Dig. Surg. – 2005. – Vol. 22. – P. 340-345.
  2. Boerma, D. Pancreatic pseudocysts in chronic pancreatitis. Surgical or interventional drainage? / D. Boerma, H. Obertop, D. J. Gouma // Ann. Ital. Chir. – 2000. – Vol. 71. – P. 43-50.
  3. D’Egidio, A. Pancreatic pseudocysts: a proposed classification and its management implications / A. D’Egidio, M. Schein // Br. J. Surg. – 1991. – Vol. 78. – P. 981-984.
  4. Usatoff, V. Operative treatment of pseudocysts in patients with chronic pancreatitis / V. Usatoff, R. Brancatisano, R. C. Williamson // Br. J. Surg. – 2000. – Vol. 87. – P. 1494-1499.
  5. Warshaw, A. L. Timing of surgical drainage for pancreatic pseudocysts. Clinical and chemical criteria / A. L. Warshaw, D. W. Rattner // Ann. Surg. – 1985. – Vol. 202. – P. 720-724.
  6. The natural history of pancreatic pseudocysts documented by computed tomography / C. J. Yeo [et al.] // Surg. Gyn. Obst. – 1990. – Vol. 170. – P. 411-417.
  7. Nealon, W. H. Duct drainage alone is sufficient in the operative management of pancreatic pseudocyst in patients with chronic pancreatitis / W. H. Nealon, E. Walser // Ann. Surg. – 2003. – Vol. 237. – P. 614-622.
  8. Huffman, L. Chronic pancreatitis: recent advances and ongoing challenges / L. Huffman, B. McIntyre // Curr. Probl. Surg. – 2006. – Vol. 43. – P. 135-238.
  9. Minimally invasive surgery of the pancreas in progress / L. Fernandez-Cruz [et al.] // Langenbecks Arch. Surg. – 2005. – Vol. 390. – P. 342-354.
  10. Are cystgastrostomy and cystjejunostomy equivalent operations for pancreatic pseudocysts? / K. A. Newell [et al.] // Surgery. – 1999. – Vol. 108. – P. 635-240.
  11. Pseudocysts in chronic pancreatitis. Surgical results in 102 consecutive patients / T. Kiviluoto [et al.] // Arch. Surg. – 1990. – Vol. 124. – P. 240-243.
  12. Lohr-Happe, A. Natural course of operated pseudocysts in chronic pancreatitis / A. Lohr-Happe, M. Peiper, P. G. Lankisch // Gut. – 1994. – Vol. 35. – P. 1479-1482.
  13. Pancreatic pseudocyst in chronic pancreatitis: endoscopic and surgical treatment / E. Rosso [et al.] // Dig. Surg. – 2003. – Vol. 20. – P. 397-406.
  14. Degen, L. Cystic and solid lesions of the pancreas / L. Degen, W. Wiesner, C. Beglinger // Best Practice & Research Clinical Gastroenterology. – 2008. – Vol. 22, N 1. – P. 91-103.
  15. Basturk, O. Pancreatic cysts: pathologic classification, differential diagnosis, and clinical implications / O. Basturk, I. Coban, N. V. Adsay // Arch. Pathol. Lab. Med. – 2009. – Vol. 133. – P. 423-438.
  16. Новик, А. А. Руководство по исследованию качества жизни в медицине / А. А. Новик, Т. И. Ионова. – М.: ОЛМА-ПРЕСС, 2002 – 314 с.



Objectives. To study the immune status of the patients after different surgeries on the injured spleen in the nearest postoperative period.
Methods. Investigation of the immune status changes occurring in the nearest postoperative period was carried out in 45 patients operated because of the spleen injury. In 15 of the total patients splenectomy was done; in 15 – splenectomy with autolientransplantation with transplanting spleen pieces of 1, 5 сm3 in size in the greater omentum tissue; in the rest 15 – organ-saving surgeries with laser technique application were carried out.
Results. It is established that patients after various operations on the injured spleen in the nearest postoperative period have changes in the immune status. The revealed changes are more marked in the patients after splenectomy and less marked in the patients after organ-saving surgeries and autolientransplantation.
Conclusions. Changes in the immune status are seen in patients after various surgeries on the injured spleen in the nearest postoperative period.

Keywords: spleen, immune status, postoperative period
p. 32 – 37 of the original issue
  1. Buntain, W. L. Splenorrhaphy: changing concepts for the traumatized spleen / W. L. Buntain, H. B. Lynn // Surgery. – 2008. – Vol. 86. – P. 748-760.
  2. Проблема послеоперационных гнойно-септических осложнений при травме живота с повреждением селезенки в свете иммунных нарушений / Э. Б. Усеинов [и др.] // Хирургия. – 2006. – № 2. – С. 69-71.
  3. Шапкин, Ю. Г. Иммунный статус в отдаленном послеоперационном периоде у пациентов, оперированных по поводу повреждений селезенки / Ю. Г. Шапкин, В. Ф. Киричук, В. В. Масляков // Хирургия. – 2006. – № 2. – С. 14-17.
  4. Mancini, G. Immunochemical quantitation of antitgens by singl radial immunodiffusion / G. Mancini // Immunochemistry. – 1965. – Vol. 2. – P. 235-254.
  5. Павлов, С. Б. Иммуноферментный анализ. Интерпретация результатов / С. Б. Павлов // Клин. антибиотикотерапия. – 2000. – № 1. – С. 16-18.



Objectives. To estimate influence of various artificial limbs on dynamics of indicators of the left ventricle (LV) in the postoperative period in patients with aortic stenosis.
Methods. In 394 patients prosthetics of the aortic valve was done including 311 males, 83 females, at the age from 10 till 78 years, an average age was 36,9±1,3 years. Aortic stenosis was observed in 165 (41,9 %) patients. From them mechanical valves were implanted in 139 patients, biological – in 26. Dynamics of functional changes of LV after operation in terms from 7 till 15 days was estimated.
Results. In patients with aortic stenosis a positive dynamics occurs basically at the expense of reduction of systolic size and volume of LV. A positive dynamics is noted at prosthetics both mechanical and biological valve; an authentic dynamics of the regression of the LV myocardium weight is noted.
Conclusions. In patients with aortic stenosis the implantation of two-folding mechanical valve leads to the best anatomic-hemodynamic changes of the LV indicators in the postoperative period.

Keywords: ortic valve prosthetics a, two-folding, one-folding and biological valve
p. 38 - 43 of the original issue
  1. Использование легочного аутографта при инфекционном эндокардите аортального клапана / Л. А. Бокерия [и др.] // Анналы хирургии. – 2005. – № 5 – С. 10-13
  2. Дземешкевич, С. Л. Болезни аортального клапана. Функция, диагностика, лечение / С. Л. Дземешкевич, Л. У. Стивенсон, В. В. Алексии-Месхишвили. – М.: Гэотар-Мед, 2004. – С. 328.
  3. Non-invasive assessment of differences between bileatlet and tilting disk aortic valve prosthesis by 3D-Doppler profiles / S. Мotti-Link [et al.] // Interact. Cardiovasc. Thorac. Surg. – 2005. – Vol. 4. – P. 383-387.
  4. Quantitation of the turbulent stress distribution downstream of normal, diseased and artifirial aortic valves in humans / H. Nygaard [et al.] // Eur. Cardiothorac. Surg. – 1992. – Vol. 6, N 11. – P. 609-617.
  5. Протезирование аортального клапана ксенопротезом «БиоЛАБ»: промежуточные результаты / Л. А. Бокерия [и др.] // Грудная и сердеч.-сосуд. хир. – 2008. – № 1 – С. 23-28.
  6. Ross operation – modification of technique. Postoperative hemodynamic advantages / V. Sirvydais [et al.] // Appl. Cardiopulm. Pathophysiol. – 2002. – Vol. 10. – P. 17-23.
  7. Teijeira, F. J. Cardiac valve replacement with mechanical prostheses: current status and trends / F. J. Teijeira, A. A. Mikhail // Advanced in Cardiovascular Engineering / Ed. H. C. Hwang. – N.Y.: Plenum Press, 1992. – P. 197.
  8. Westaby, S. Stentless aortic bioprostheses: compelling data from the second international symposium / S. Westaby, H. A. Huysmans, Т. Е. David // Ann. Thorac. Surg. – 1998. – Vol. 65. – P. 235-240.
  9. Малиновский, И. И. Биологические протезы клапанов сердца / И. И. Малиновский, Б. А. Константинов, С. Л. Дземешкевич. – М.: Медицина, 1988. – 256 с.
  10. Edwards, M. B. A profile of valve replacement surgery in the UK (1986-1997): a study from the UK heart valve registry / M. B. Edwards, K. M. Taylor // J. Heart Valve Dis. – 1999. – Vol. 8, N 6. – P. 697-701.
  11. Long-term function of cryopreserved aortic homografts. A ten-year study / J. K. Kirklin [et al.] // J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg. – 1993. – Vol. 106. – P. 154-166.



Objectives. To improve distant results of treatment of patients with pyo-necrotic complications of the diabetic foot syndrome by studying changes of the foot biomechanics after amputation.
Methods. Pedography results have been analyzed in 89 patients with pyo-necrotic complications of diabetic foot syndrome after various operations. Investigation of the foot biomechanics (pedography) was done on the software-hardware complex “emed–АТ 25/E” (Novel, Germany).
Results. The distribution of the plantar pressure was carried out in patients who underwent different amputations in the foot region; it is established that such factors as localization and volume of the foot amputated segment are significant in development of ulcer relapses as well as in pyo-necrotic complications. It is linked with the fact that in the deformed, because of a surgery, foot significant changes in plantar pressure distribution develop and one may observe its biomechanical function disturbance.
Conclusions. Pedography data can be used to evaluate the biomechanical outcomes of amputation in the foot region and to reveal secondary changes on the contralateral limb resulting in pyo-necrotic complications.

Keywords: diabetic foot syndrome, biomechanics of the foot, amputations
p. 44 – 47 of the original issue
  1. Дедов, И. И. Синдром диабетической стопы. Клиника, диагностика, лечение, профилактика / И. И. Дедов, М. Б. Анциферов, Г. Р. Галстян. – М.: Универсум Паблишинг, 1998. – 143 с.
  2. Поражения нижних конечностей при сахарном диабете / В. Б. Бреговский [и др.]. – Диля, 2004. – 272 с.
  3. Брискин, Б. С. Лечение осложнений «диабетической стопы» / Б. С. Брискин, Е. А. Тартаковский, Н. А. Гвоздев // Хирургия. – 1999. – № 10. – С. 53-56.
  4. Распределение давления под стопой у больных сахарным диабетом с деформацией hallux valgus / Т. Л. Цветкова [и др.] // Человек и здоровье: VI Рос. нац. конгр. – СПб., 2001. – С. 28-31.
  5. Cavanagh, P. R. The biomechanics of the foot in diabetes mellitus / P. R. Cavanagh, J. S. Ulbrecht., G. M. Caruto // The Diabetic Foot / Eds. J. Bowker, M. Pfeifer. – 6th ed. – Mosby, 2001. – Р. 125-195.
  6. Armstrong, D. G. Is there a critical level of plantar foot pressure to identify patient at risk for neuropathic foot ulceration? / D. G. Armstrong, E. J. Peters, K. A. Athanasiou // J. Foot Ankle Surg. – 1998. – Vol. 37. – P. 303-307.
  7. Dynamic foot pressure and other studies as diagnostic and management aids in diabetics neuropathy / A. J. M. Boulton [et al.] // Diabetes Care. – 1983. – N 6. – Р. 26-33.



Objectives. To estimate the changes of cytokines of the blood serum in patients with secondary lymphedema of the lower limbs before or after conservative or operative treatment.
Methods. 81 patients with secondary lymphedema of the lower limbs have been examined: the 1st group (40 persons) with the 1–2 degrees of the disease and the 2nd group (41 persons) with the 3-4 degrees. Cytokines of the blood serum of patients of both groups have been tested: IL-1, IL-6, IL-10 and necrosis of tumor’s factor before and after conservative and surgical treatment.
Results. All patients’ changes of cytokines of the blood serum content have been revealed. More significant changes are defined in the patients with 3–4 degrees of secondary lymphedema of the lower limbs. After conservative treatment decline of all tested cytokines in both groups is observed, except IL-6. After surgical treatment wavy changes of parameters of cytokines with their further decline by 25th day have been fixed.
Conclusions. Quantitative changes of cytokines of the blood serum in patients with secondary lymphedema of the lower extremities were evidence of decline of immunity, especially with the 3–4 degree of disease which is necessary to take into account during pre-operation preparation to determine an optimal period of surgical correction at this group of patients.

Keywords: cytokines of the blood serum, secondary lymphedema of the lower limbs, conservative and operative treatment
p. 48 – 54 of the original issue
  1. Roitt, I. M. Основы иммунологии / I. M. Roitt. – М.: Мир, 1991. – 327 с.
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  3. Barrett, T. Imaging of the lymphatic system: new horizons / T. Barrett, P. L. Choyke, H. Kobayashi // Contrast Media Mol. Imaging. – 2006. – N 1 (6). – P. 230-245.
  4. Бобова, Л. П. Гистофизиология крови и органов кроветворения и иммуногенеза / Л. П. Бобова, С. Л. Кузнецов, В. П. Сапрыкин. – М.: Изд-во «Новая волна», 2003. – 156 c.
  5. Takahashi, K. SDF-1-induced adhesion of monocytes to vascular endothelium is modulated by azelnidipine via protein kinase C inhibition / K. Takahashi, K. Shimokado, M. Yoshida // Eur. J. Pharmacol. – 2006. – Vol. 552, N 1-3. – P. 162-169.
  6. Tammela, T. Molecular lymphangiogenesis: New players / T. Tammela; T. V. Petrova, K. Alitalo // Trends Cell Biol. – 2005. – Vol. 15. – P. 434-441.



Objectives. To evaluate efficacy and safety of endoscopic subfascial dissection of the perforant veins of the shin anterior myofascial bed in the patients with chronic venous insufficiency complicated by trophic disturbances on the anterolateral shin surface.
Methods. The estimation of the short-term and long-term treatment results of 21 patients with venous trophic disturbances (of 17 patients with ulcer anamnesis) on the anterolateral shin surface was carried out. To eliminate incopetent perforant veins in the zone of the tissues trophic changes on the anterolateral shin surface, our own technique of the gas trocar endoscopic dissection of the perforant veins of the shin anterior myofascial bed was applied in both cases. Surgical interventions were performed both in one single stage and in several stages in the patients with a marked accompanying pathology.
Results. In all cases no intraoperative complications were observed as well as complications in the nearest postoperative period. In the long-term postoperative period 61,9% of the operated patients were examined, the average terms of observation made up 11,07±5,06 months. In 69% of all cases treatment results were found «good». Trophic ulcers recurrences were noted in 2 patients (11,8% of the patients with ulcer anamnesis).
Conclusions. Subfascial endoscopic perforators surgery of the shin anterior myofascial bed is an effective and safe method to eliminate incopetent perforant veins in the zone of trophic changes.

Keywords: perforator veins, subfascial endoscopic perforator surgery, anterior crural musculo-fascial bed, trophic changes
p. 55 – 62 of the original issue
  1. Hauer, G. The endoscopic subfascial division of the perforating veins: Preliminary report / G.Hauer // Vasa. – 1985. – N 14. – P. 995-975.
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  4. Development of endoscopic dissection of perforating veins and fasciotomy for treatment of chronic venous insufficiency / G. Hauer [et al.] // Ann. Vasc. Surg. – 1999. – Vol. 13, N 4. – P. 357-364.
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  16. Launois, R. Constraction and validation of a quality of life questionnaire in Chronic Lower Limb Venous Insufficiency (CIVIQ) / R. Launois, J. Reboul-Marty, B. Henry // Quality of life Research. – 1996. – Vol. 5. – P. 539-554.
  17. Алексеев, К.И. Субфасциальная эндоскопическая диссекция перфорантных вен голени в лечении хронической венозной недостаточности / К.И. Алексеев, Ю.Г. Старков, K.В. Шишин // Хирургия [Электронный ресурс]. – 2006. – №9. – Режим доступа: /journals/pirogov/ detail/267/4068/ – Дата доступа:14.07.2009.
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Liver transplantation is one of the most complicated surgical interventions demanding not only high skills of surgeons but also a thoroughly organized system of patients’ preparing as well as a reliable coordination of actions of various services, high-tech equipment and the system of postoperative observation. In the given article the questions the foundation history of the service of liver transplantation in Poland are illustrated as well as modern demands and possibilities of this service.
The described approaches to the determining indications and tactics choice of surgical interventions are based on 805 liver transplantations for more than a 20-year period. Such a wide experience permits not only to determine the complications frequency but also to present the results of patients’ survival with various pathologies.

Keywords: orthotopic liver transplantation, liver transplantation program, indications, complications, liver cirrhosis, primarily sclerosing cholangitis, liver-cellular cancer
p. 63 – 67 of the original issue
  1. The Department’s data archive
  2. Poltransplant Information Buletin. - 2010. - Vol.18, N1.




Objectives. To evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of plasmapheresis in treatment of surgical sepsis and multiple organ insufficiency.
Methods. 26 patients 0–12 years of age (newborns, infants, 3–7 and 7–12 years of age), admitted to Tbilisi State Medical University Pediatric Hospital in 2001–2005 with surgical sepsis and multiple organ insufficiency were investigated. The patients were randomized into two groups: patients, who receive plasmapheresis in addition to the conventional treatment and patients, who receive standard sepsis treatment only.
Results. Plasmapheresis obstacles the progression of the organ dysfunction in patients of all investigated age groups with surgical sepsis and its application permits to decrease patient’s mortality.
Conclusions. Plasmapheresis is an effective and safe addition to the conventional treatment of surgical sepsis in children.

Keywords: treatment of surgical sepsis, multiple organ insufficiency, plasmapheresis
p. 68 – 71 of the original issue
  1. Zeni, F. Anti-inflammatory therapies to treat sepsis and septic shock: a reassessment / F. Zeni, B. Freeman, C. Natanson // Crit. Care Med. – 1997. – Vol. 25, N 7. – P. 1095-1100.
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Objectives. To estimate clinical efficacy of the perforated titanium plates at the reconstructive surgeries of the cranial bones defects.
Methods. The analysis of the alloplasty of the cranial bones defects was carried out in patients after severe head injury.The patients were divided into two groups. In the 1st group (n=8) cranioplasty was done with titanium plates; in the 2nd (n=8) – with protakril. The groups were compared according to the cranium size, sex, age of the patients.
Results. Titanium plates are easily modeled; they quickly and firmly fixed to the bones and are not palpated through the skin. Their application reduces the time of the operation. Possible complications in the form of the dura mater, subgaleal hydroms, wounds suppuration and rejection of the titanium plates are not observed.
Conclusions. Cranioplasty with the titanium plates provides firm fixation, reduces operation time, decreases postoperative complications and can be a method of choice in the reconstructive surgery of the cranial defects.

Keywords: cranial defects, cranioplasty, titanium implants, alloplasty
p. 72 – 76 of the original issue
  1. Щемелев, А. В. Реконструктивная хирургия дефектов черепа [Электронный ресурс] / А. В. Щемелев. – 2009. – Режим доступа: /4055.html. – Дата доступа: 11.03.2010.
  2. Гусев, Е. И. Неврология и нейрохирургия: учебник: в 2 т. / Е. И. Гусев, А. Н. Коновалов, В. И. Скворцова; под ред. А. Н. Коновалова, А. В. Козлова. – М.: ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2009. – Т. 2: Нейрохирургия. – 420 с.
  3. Практическая нейрохирургия: руководство для врачей / под ред. Б. В. Гайдара. – СПб.: Гиппократ, 2002. – 648 с.
  4. Елистратов, О. Б Опыт использования различных пластических материалов для закрытия дефектов костей свода черепа [Электронный ресурс] / О. Б. Елистратов, А. В. Новокшонов, В. В. Агаджанян. – 2009. –Режим доступа: – Дата доступа: 11.03.2010.
  5. Белимготов, Б. Х. Аутокраниопластика при черепно-мозговой травме и заболеваниях костей свода черепа / Б. Х. Белимготов, А. М. Чочаева, И. Ч. Хупсергенова // III Съезд нейрохирургов России: тез. докл. – СПб., 2002. – С. 632-633.
  6. Бельченко, В. А. Реконструкция и эндопротезирование краев и стенок глазниц, костей свода черепа, верхней и средней зон лица / В. А. Бельченко // III Съезд нейрохирургов России: тез. докл. – СПб., 2002. – С. 634.
  7. Использование ауторебер для замещения дефектов черепа / О. И. Пак [и др.] // IV Съезд нейрохирургов Украины: тез. докл. – Д., 2008. – С. 21.
  8. Потапов, О. О. Досвід сучасного закриття дефектів кісток черепа / О. О. Потапов, О. П. Дмитренко, О. П. Кмита // IV Съезд нейрохирургов Украины: тез. докл. – Д., 2008. – С. 23.
  9. A prospective study of computer-aided design and manufacture of titanium plate for cranioplasty and its clinical outcome / J. Joffe [et al.] // Br. J. Neurosurg. – 1999. – N 13 (6). – Р. 576-580.
  10. Miyake, H. A new technique for cranioplasty with L-shaped titanium plates and combination ceramic implants composed of hydroxyapatite and tricalcium phosphate (Ceratite) / H. Miyake, T. Ohta, H. Tanaka // J. Neurosurgery. – 2000. – N 46. – Р. 414-418.
  11. Новый способ подготовки костей черепа к пересадке. [Электронный ресурс] / П. В. Красношлык [и др.]. – 2008. – Режим доступа: – Дата доступа: 11.03.2010.
  12. Рынков, И. П. Реконструктивные операции при посттравматических и послеоперационных дефектах черепа в условиях нейрохирургического отделения городской клинической больницы / И. П. Рынков, О. Н. Древаль, И. М. Саблин // III Съезд нейрохирургов России: тез. докл. – СПб., 2002. – С. 642-643.




Objectives. To determine the minimal amount and quantity of lidocaine necessary to provide effective sciatic nerve blockade.
Methods. 193 sciatic nerve blockades were performed in 193 patients under ultra-sound visualization control with the application of the electrostimulator of the peripheral nerves. Blockages were done using lidocaine: 0,75% – 20 and 15 ml; 1% – 40, 30, 25, 20, 15, 12,5, 10 ml; 1,5% – 10 and 7,5 ml, 2% – 10, 7,5 and 6,5 ml, 3% – 6,5 5, 4,5 ml, 4% – 5 and 4,5ml.
Results. Minimal amount of 0,75% solution at which the complete sciatic nerve blockade was reached was 20 ml; 1% – 12,5ml; 1,5% – 10ml; 2% – 6,5ml; 3% – 5ml; 4% – 5ml.
Conclusions. Minimal amount of the local anesthetic solution at which an effective blockade of the sciatic nerve can be obtained is 5 ml and minimal lidocaine amount is 125 mg.

Keywords: sciatic nerve blockade, minimal lidocaine amount, minimal amount of the local anesthetic, ultra-sound visualization
p. 77 – 81 of the original issue
  1. Малрой, М. Местная анестезия: иллюстрированное практическое рук.: пер. с англ. / М. Малрой. – М.: БИНОМ. Лаборатория знаний, 2003. – 301 с.
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  3. Рафмелл, Д. Р. Вискоуми Регионарная анестезия: самое необходимое в анестезиологии: пер. с англ. / Д. Р. Рафмелл, Д. М. Нил, М. Кристофер. – М.: МЕДпресс-информ, 2007. – 272 с.
  4. Дюк, Дж. Секреты анестезии: пер. с англ. / Дж. Дюк. – М.: МЕДпресс-информ, 2005. – 511 с.



Objectives. To study the dynamics of functional activity of the vegetative nervous system (VNS) sections and the level of the pituitary hormones before and after diazepam premedication.
Methods. 47 patients were investigated who had undergone the planned operation and they were divided into two groups. The patients who had the decreased cortisol level after premedication were referred to the first group. Cortisol level increased in the second group.
Results. It is established that in the patients, who have more expressed prevalence of a parasympathetic link of the regulation, diazepam shows tranquility-activate effect. At less expressed prevalence of a parasympathetic link the diazepam shows tranquility-sedative effect.
Conclusions. The effect of diazepam using depends on a condition of the vegetative nervous system.

Keywords: heart rate variability, vegetative balance, stress, premedication, Kerdo index, pituitary hormones.
p. 82 – 87 of the original issue
  1. Рациональная фармакоанестезиология: руководство для практикующих врачей / А. А. Бунятян [и др.]; под общ. ред. А. А. Бунятяна. – М.: Литтерра, 2006. – 800 с.
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Objectives. To study the uveal melanoma incidence and mortality as well as statistical indicators reflecting the state of its diagnosis and treatment dynamics in the Republic of Belarus
Methods. The analysis of cancer register data of the Republic of Belarus was performed.
Results. In the period of 2000–2009 757 people in Belarus fell ill with the uveal melanoma. Standardized incidence rates for these years were equal to 0,4–0,7 ppm, the incidence rates among male and female were almost similar. The uveal melanoma incidence rates in urban residents were higher than those in villagers, but that excess was not statistically significant. There were some differences in incidence rates among the regions of Belarus. Positive changes in diagnosis were noted. Standardized mortality rates amounted to 0,1-0,2 ppm. The accumulation of contingents index has 1,5 times increased and the number of patients observed for more than five years 3.4 times increased over these years.
Conclusions. Over a ten-year period in Belarus the number of patients with uveal melanoma has2, 3 times increased. The standardized incidence and mortality rates for the whole population of the Republic were almost stable during the analyzed period, the accumulation of contingent index has 1,5 times increased, the number of patients observed for the reason of the disease for 5 and more years 16% increased over ten years.

Keywords: choroidal melanoma, incidence, mortality, standardized incidence rates
p. 88 – 93 of the original issue
  1. Зиангирова, Г. Г. Опухоли сосудистого тракта глаза / Г. Г. Зиангирова, В. Г. Лихванцева. – М.: Последнее слово, 2003. – 456 с.
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The article presents the literature review of modern medical organ-saving technologies designed and introduced in the clinical practice in A.V. Vishnevsky Institute of surgery for the last three decades, one of the main technologies or even the main is the interventional surgeries carried out under the ultrasound control. Chronology of the experience accumulation concerning percutaneous sclerosing treatment of the non-parasitic liver cysts with the emphasis on the analysis of the technique efficacy concerning large and giant-sized cysts; indications to the laparoscopic and open surgery techniques of their treatment are determined. The results of the given technique application with respect to the true spleen cysts are presented. Possibilities of the minimal invasive treatment of the liver abscesses as the ultimate way to eliminate the inflammatory focus in case of absence of supporting background process and/or using puncture-drainage interventions as accessory means on the ground of the cholangiogenic origin of the abscess development. The described technique of the radiofrequency ablation (RFA) of the focal liver lesion of the tumor origin is described and its possible complications as well as ways of their elimination are analyzed; the role of the RFA in the complex treatment of the oncologic patients with severe liver lesions.

Keywords: non-parasitic cysts, percutaneous sclerosing treatment, liver abscesses, radiofrequency ablation
p. 94 – 102 of the original issue
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Objectives. To perform literature sources analysis dedicated to the problem of the colorectal cancer.
Methods. The available native and foreign literature sources dealing with epidemiology of the colorectal cancer as well as of modern aspects of surgical treatment of its acute complications have been analyzed.
Results. The steady increase of the patients operated on urgently because of various acute complications of the colorectal cancer and persistent high indexes of lethality and invalidity permit to state that this problem is far from being ultimately solved and still demands close attention of scientists and practitioners in different fields of medicine.
Conclusions. Improvement prospects of complicated colorectal cancer treatment urgently require the determination of conditions, working out of accurate indications and creation of the optimal algorithm of endosurgical techniques application of the colonic passage restoration in combination with complex pathogenetic approach, with the restoration of disturbed homeostasis and further radical operation as well as the objective evaluation of the immediate and distant results of their combined application.

Keywords: colorectal cancer, complications, colonic obstruction, perforation, hemorrhage
p. 103 – 111 of the original issue
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The data concerning changes of the immune system at the liver pathology on the basis of the literature data are presented in the article. The questions concerning the main causes and mechanisms of the hepatocellular failure development are being discussed. Clinical significance of the integral hematologic indexes at the mechanical jaundice to estimate the severity of the inflammatory process is described. It is demonstrated that at the mechanical jaundice the decrease of the systemic cellular, humoral immunity occurs as well as of the leucocytes phagocytic ability, the blood serum bactericidal character and other indexes of the nonspecific organism resistance. Operative aggression and anesthesia cause immune-suppression which reaches its maximum by the third day of the postoperative period. In patients in the postoperative period one marks the immune response suppression revealed through the absolute number of Т- and В-lymphocytes decrease as well as through significant reduction of the leucocytes phagocytic activity, hypoimmunoglodunemia with the disturbance of the correlation between fractions by increasing IgA and IgM content and decreasing IgG level in the blood and bile.

Keywords: liver pathology, immunity, hepatocellular failure, integral hematologic indexes
p. 112 – 116 of the original issue
  1. Комплексное лечение гнойного холангита у больных неопухолевой обструкции внепеченочных желчных протоков / Б. К. Алтыев [и др.] // Анналы хирург. гепатологии. – 2003. – Т. 3, № 3. – С. 30.
  2. Lahmann, B. E. Choledocholithiasis – principles of diagnosis and management / B. E. Lahmann, G. Adrales, R. W. Schwartz // Current Surgery. – 2004. – Vol. 61, N 3. – P. 290-293.
  3. Wagner, M. New molecular insights into the mechanisms of cholestasis / M. Wagner, G. Zollner, M. Trauner // Journal of Hepatology. – 2009. – Vol. 51, N 3. – P. 565-580.
  4. Баширов, А. Б. Иммунокоррекция при хирургическом лечении механической желтухи / А. Б. Баширов, А. Е. Алибеков // Сборник тез. докл. III конгр. ассоц. хирургов им. Н. И. Пирогова. – М., 2006. – С. 181-182.
  5. Изменения иммунного статуса при печеночной недостаточности / А. Н. Плеханов [и др.] // Сибир. мед. журн. – 2004. – Т. 49, № 8. – С. 8-12.
  6. Jaundice as a presenting manifestation of geant cell arteritis / A. Pauwels [et al.] // Journal of Hepatology. – 2003. – Vol. 39, N 2. – P. 295-296.
  7. Kelly, E. A history of the dissolution of retained choledocholithiasis / E. Kelly, J. D. Williams, C. H. Jr. Organ // American Journal of Surgery. – 2000. – Vol. 180, N 2. – P. 86-98.
  8. Natural history of asymptomatic bile duct stones at time of cholescystectomy / G. R. Caddy [et al.] // Ulster Medical Journal. – 2005. – Vol. 74, N 2. – P. 108-112.
  9. Role of liver function tests in predicting common bile duct stones in acute calculous cholecystitis / W. K. Peng [et al.] // British Journal of Surgery. – 2005. – Vol. 92, N 10. – P. 1241-1247.
  10. Иммунокоррекция тимогеном при хирургическом лечении осложненных форм желчнокаменной болезни / В. Ф. Сухарев [и др.] // Вестн. хирургии. – 1994. – № 153 (7-12). – С. 18-21.
  11. Шичкин, В. П. Патогенетическое значение цитокинов и перспективы цитокиновой/антицитокиновой терапии / В. П. Шичкин // Иммунология. – 1998. – № 2. – С. 9-13.
  12. Boyer, J. L. New perspectives for the treatment of cholestasis: lessons from basic science applied clinically / J. L. Boyer // Journal of Hepatology. – 2007. – Vol. 46, N 3. – P. 365-371.
  13. Schirmer, B. Cholelithiasis and cholecystitis / B. Schirmer, K. L. Winters, R. F. Edlich // Journal of Long-Term Effects of Medical Implants. – 2005. – Vol. 15, N 3. – P. 329-338.
  14. Enhanced endothelial cell injury by activated neutrophils in patients with obstructive jaundice / Y. Shimizu [et al.] // Journal of Hepatology. – 1997. – Vol. 27, N 5. – P. 803-809.
  15. Serum lipid spectrum in patients with calculous cholecystitis complicated by obstructive jaundice / I. Rusin [et al.] // Journal of Hepatology. – 1998. – Vol. 28. – P. 218.
  16. Иванов, Ю. В. Механическая желтуха: диагностический алгоритм и лечение / Ю. В. Иванов, С. М. Чудных // Лечащий врач. – 2002. – № 7-8. – С. 76-78.
  17. Макаров, В. К. Новый способ диагностики поражений печени / В. К. Макаров // Клин. лаб. диагностика. – 2002. – № 12. – С. 8-10.
  18. Луцевич, О. Э. Эндовидеохирургические методики в лечении больных желчнокаменной болезнью / О. Э. Луцевич, С. А. Гордеев, Ю. А. Прохоров // Хирургия. Журн. им. Н. И. Пирогова. – 2007. – № 7. – С. 16-20.
  19. Торгунаков, А. П. Оценка индекса Кальф-Калифа / А. П. Торгунаков // Хирургия. Журн. им. Н. И. Пирогова. – 2008. – № 2. – С. 73-74.
  20. Effectiveness and long-term results of laparoscopic common bile duct exploration / R. Riciardi [et al.] // Surgical Endoscopy. – 2003. – Vol. 17, N 1. – P. 19-22.
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  22. Гейниц, А. В. Применение переменного магнитно-инфракрасного излучения в профилактике и в комплексном лечении печеночной недостаточности при механической желтухе / А. В. Гейниц, А. А. Мамедов, М. М. Мамедов // Анналы хирургии. – 2004. – № 4. – С. 45-48.
  23. Freitas, M. L. Choledocholithiasis: evolving standards for diagnosis and management / M. L. Freitas, R. L. Bell, A. J. Duffy // World Journal of Gastroenterology. – 2006. – Vol. 12, N 20. – P. 3162-3167.
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  25. Improved cardiac function in patients with obstructive jaundice after internal biliary drainage: hemodynamic and hormonal assessment / J. Padillo [et al.] // Annals of Surgery. – 2001. – Vol. 234, N 5. – P. 652-656.
  26. Хирургическая тактика при различных формах калькулезного холецистита у больных с высоким операционным риском / М. И. Гульман [и др.] // Совр. хирург. технологии. – Красноярск, 2006. – С. 50-57.
  27. Показатели крови и лейкоцитарного индекса интоксикации в оценке тяжести и определении прогноза при воспалительных, гнойных и гнойно-деструктивных заболеваниях / В. К. Островский [и др.] // Клин. лаб. диагн. – 2006. – № 6. – С. 50-53.
  28. Чистякова, Г. Н. Использование интегральных гематологических индексов для оценки степени аутоинтоксикации организма при осложненной гестозом беременности / Г. Н. Чистякова, И. А. Газиева, И. И. Ремизова // Клин. лаб. диагн. – 2005. – № 12. – С. 35-38.
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  30. Кажина, М. В. Интегpально-математические показатели гемогpаммы как кpитеpии оценки тяжести течения хpонического аднексита и эффективности теpапии пpи тpадиционном методе лечения / М. В. Кажина, В. С. Васильев, Н. Н. Каpпович // Клин. лаб. диагн. – 2003. – № 1. – С. 42-45.
  31. Сухоруков, В. П. Интегральные гематологические индексы как критерий тяжести и эффективности терапии преэклампсии / В. П. Сухоруков, С. А. Дворянский, Д. В. Попов // Клин. лаб. диагн. – 2007. – № 11. – С. 47-50.
  32. Carr-Locke, D. L. Cholelithiasis plus choledocholithiasis: ERCP first, what next? / D. L. Carr-Locke // Gastroenterology. – 2006. – Vol. 130, N 1. – P. 270-272.
  33. Predictors of common bile duct lithiasis in laparoscopic era / G. Sgourakis [et al.] // World Journal of Gastroenterology – 2005. – Vol. 11, N 21. – P. 3267-3272.
  34. Value of magnetic resonance cholangiography in the preoperative diagnosis of common bile duct stones / A. Laokpessi [et al.] // American Journal of Gastroenterology. – 2001. – Vol. 96, N 8. – P. 2354-2359.
  35. Ярема, И. В. Предоперационная иммуноподготовка / И. В. Ярема, В. И. Сипратов, Н. Н. Сильманович // Лечащий врач. – 2004. – № 5. – С. 47-49.




In the article the technique of laparoscopic cystogastrostomy and cystojejunostomy is described in details; indications and contraindications for their performance are formulated; possible complications are shown. Laparoscopic cystogastrostomy and cystojejunostomy were done in 10 patients with pancreatic cysts. Decrease of postoperative complications is noted which is associated with less traumatic character of such surgeries as well as with the precision technique and thorough hemostasis. Laparoscopic operations reduce the time of hospitalization as well as the period of recovery in comparison with the methods of the open surgery.

Keywords: chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic cysts, laparoscopic intervention, cystogastrostomy, cystojejunostomy
p. 117 – 121 of the original issue
  1. Данилов, М. В. Хирургия поджелудочной железы / М. В. Данилов, В. Д. Федоров. – М.: Медицина, 1995. – 510 с.
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A complicated case of intraocular malignant lymphoma course is presented. The clinical stages of tumor course and diagnostics techniques are described: ophthalmoscopy, ultrasound investigation of the eye, brain MRI, morphological diagnostic methods. The bilateral subacute uveitis of the unknown origin with the presence of choroidal changes, should cause concern for malignant lymphoma of the CNS, both primary and secondary origin, and requires additional examination (MRI, lumbar puncture).

Keywords: intraocular malignant lymphoma, subacute uveitis
p. 122 – 124 of the original issue
  1. Shields, J. A. Intraocular lymphoid tumors / J. A. Shields, C. L. Shilds // Intraocular tumors: a text and atlas. – Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 2008. – Ch. 24: Intraocular lymphoid tumors and leukemias. – P. 504.
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  3. Uveal lymphoid infiltration. Report of four cases and clinicopaphologic rewiew / H. E. Grossniklaus [et al.] // Ophthalmology. – 1998. –Vol. 105, N 7. – P. 1265-1273.
  4. Ocular manifestation of adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma. A clinicopathologic study / T. Kohno [et al.] // Ophthalmology. – 1993. –Vol. 100, N 12. – P. 1794-1799.




Objectives. To evaluate the possibilities of radiothermometry application to choose optimal level of amputation as well as way of its performance in patients with critical ischemia.
Methods. Radiothermometric investigations were done in 60 practically healthy people and in 130 patients with obliterating atherosclerosis with the III and IV degrees of chronic arterial insufficiency.
Results. The method to determine the level and way of amputation based on measuring internal temperatures of the lower limbs was worked out during these investigations.
Conlusions. Radiothermometric method is highly informative to determine the level of amputation as well as the way of its performing.

Keywords: amputation, choice of level, radiothermometry
p. 125 – 129 of the original issue
  1. Волошин, В. Н. Выбор уровня ампутации и профилактика послеоперационных гнойно-септических и тромбоэмболических осложнений у больных с терминальной ишемией нижних конечностей: дис. … канд. мед. наук / В. Н. Волошин. – Н. Новгород, 1992. – 176 с.
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