Year 2010 Vol. 18 No 3




Objectives. To work out the express estimation methods of the immune disturbances with the use of the combined intradermal tests at acute destructive pancreatitis and to propose the ways of immunocorrection.
Methods. 21 patients (the 1st group) with acute destructive pancreatitis (conventional therapy) and 19 patients (the 2nd group) with acute destructive pancreatitis (modern immunomodulators were used in the complex treatment) were examined. 7–8 days after treatment «triple» intradermal tests and immunological monitoring were performed. The incidence of purulent-septic complications as well as of the general lethality rate was estimated.
Results. A significant alteration of the cellular component of the immunogenesis at acute destructive pancreatitis was found out. Carrying out «triple» intradermal tests in combination with PHA, tuberculin, imunofan, polyoxidonium helps to predict effectively the course and the outcome of the pathological process. Decrease of the complications incidence as well as of the lethality rate was marked in case of the systemic application of polyoxidonium and imunofan.
Conclusion. The worked out express estimation methods with the usage of the combined intradermal tests permit to detect in proper time immune disturbances which develop at acute destructive pancreatitis. The proposed methods of immunocorrection should be included in the complex treatment of the given pathology.

Keywords: acute destructive pancreatitis, treatment, prognostication, intradermal tests, immunomodulators, imunofan, polyoxidonium, anergy
p. 47 – 57 of the original issue
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