Year 2023 Vol. 31 No 3




West Georgia Medical Center1, Kutaisi 1, Georgia.
Kharkov National Medical University 2,
KNP HOS “Regional Clinical Traumatological Hospital” 3, Kharkov,

We present a case of a patient with an intratendinous ganglion of the extensor pollicis brevis. This type of pathology is extremely rare and only 23 cases of intratendinous ganglion of the flexor and extensor tendons of the fingers were described in the scientific literature.. A 38-year-old male came to the clinic with complaints of a severe limitation of active extension of the proximal phalanx and radial abduction of the thumb, dysfunction of the right hand. The patient noted that a few months ago, for no reason, the proximal phalanx gradually began to lose the usual amplitude of active extension and radial abduction. On clinical examination, active extension of the proximal phalanx and radial abduction of the thumb were impaired. Somewhat distally to the styloid process of the radius, in the area of the projection of the tendon of the extensor pollicis brevis, a tight-elastic, o-shaped, painless tumor-like formation 3-4 mm in diameter was palpated. When trying to actively flex and extend the thumb, the formation did not move. After a clinical examination, the preliminary diagnosis was established: closed injury of the tendon of the extensor pollicis brevis of the right hand? Intraoperatively, the intratendinous ganglion of the extensor pollicis brevis was found. Ganglion was completely enucleated. The tendon of the extensor pollicis brevis was closed by a running suture with a polypropylene thread 5/0. Pathological examination confirmed the presence of a ganglion. 5 months after the operation, no recurrence was detected, the amplitude of all active movements in the joints of the thumb was completely restored. We operated on 3 patients with intratendinous ganlion of the extensor tendon of the fingers of the hand. In surgical treatment, the most preffered method is enucleation of the ganglion while maintaining the integrity of the tendon. Depending on the condition of the tendon, a twisting reinforcing suture is applied or not applied. With a significant lesion of the tendon or its severe thinning, a section of the tendon is resected along with the ganglion and either autoplasty, or transposition of the tendon is performed.

Keywords: intratendinous ganglion, finger extensor, hand.
p. 250-254 of the original issue
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Address for correspondence:
4600, Kutaisi, Javakhishvili str., 83a, , Georgia.
Western Georgia Medical Center1
Head of the Department of Pelvic Fracture Surgery
MTN: +995568082035
Goginava Irakli B.
Information about the authors:
Goginava Irakli B., Post-Graduate Student, West Georgia Medical Center, Head of the Department of Pelvic Fractures Surgery, Kutaisi, Georgia.
Goloborod’ko Sergey A., PhD, Associate Professor, Kharkov National Medical University, Department of Surgery No.6, Kharkîv, Ukraine;
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