Year 2022 Vol. 30 No 2




Samara State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of RF 1,
Samara Regional Clinical Tuberculosis Dispensary 2, Samara,
The Russian Federation

HIV-positive patients are 100 folds more likely to get TB than HIV-negative ones. The growth of the comorbid disease tuberculosis/HIV (TB/HIV) is accompanied by high rate of mortality, and people of young and able-bodied age are mainly affected by the disease. In recent years, patients with TB/HIV have undergone extensive surgical interventions - radical lung resections, and the most authors found these operations to be highly effective. The analysis of publications (2014-2020 yrs.) was devoted to the surgical treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in HIV-infected patients. The following features of surgical treatment of patients in this group can be distinguished: a full course of anti-tuberculosis chemotherapy is required in the preoperative period and the resumption of the intensive phase of chemotherapy in the postoperative period; it is necessary to conduct antiretroviral therapy (ART). For the patients with severe immunosuppression and a reduction of CD4 + lymphocytes count less than 200 cells / μl, the preoperative evaluation for a planned operation should be carefully conducted. Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery came into widespread use with high efficiency. Over the past 7 years despite the high burden of HIV-TB co-infection there appears to be very little published peer-reviewed literature related to describing the long-term results of surgical treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in HIV-infected patients. The main reason is considered to be the loss of patient monitoring after completion of tuberculosis treatment. Multimodal strategies to improve surgical outcome and reduction of postoperative complications are found to be relevant and perspective.

Keywords: tuberculosis, HIV infection, surgical treatment, CD4+ lymphocytes, postoperative period, video-assisted thoracoscopy
p. 207-213 of the original issue
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Address for correspondence:
443099, Russian Federation,
Samara, Chapayevskaya Street, 89,
Samara State Medical University,
the Department of Phthisiology
and Pulmonology;
tel. +7 917 958 34 82,
Borodulina Elena A.
Information about the authors:
Rogozhkin Petr V., Thoracic Surgeon, Samara Regional Clinical Tuberculosis Dispensary Named after N.V.Postnikov, Samara, Russian Federation.
Borodulina Elena A., MD, Head of the Department of Phthisiology and Pulmonology, Samara State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of RF, Samara, Russian Federation.
Piskun Vyacheslav V., Student, Samara State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of RF, Samara, Russian Federation.
Eryemenko Ekaterina P., PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Phthisiology and Pulmonology, Samara State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of RF, Samara, Russian Federation.
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