Year 2016 Vol. 24 No 6




Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University,

In recent decades, the problem of injuries in general and the pelvic damages in particular, including multiple and combined injuries, remains one of the most urgent not only in traumatology and orthopedics, but also in other fields of surgery, as well as reanimatology and health organization. Analyzing polytrauma structure the pelvic damages are observed in 17-39% of cases. Despite such frequent verification of pelvic injuries, conservative and surgical treatment of this disease does not always lead to positive results. In the case of combined pelvic injuries mortality may reach up to 80%, among the patients who have undergone pelvic injury the invalids became up to 50%.
The literature review on the diagnosis and treatment of pelvic fractures permits to inform the specialists, dealing with this issue, about current classification of pelvic fractures along with the standards of examination, treatment, principles of medical evacuation and optimization of medical aids orientated on patients with pelvic ring fractures. It is shown, that providing emergency care to the victims with pelvic injuries, especially with multiple and combined trauma at the prehospital and hospital stages, requires the development of techniques that are effective for pain control, the administration of anti-shock fluids at the accident site, creating unified facilities of immobilization, as well as the revision of organization of medical care providing in these cases.

Keywords: fractures of the pelvis, polytrauma, victims, immobilization, accident site, method of treatment, prehospital and hospital stages
p. 601-609 of the original issue
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Address for correspondence:
79010, Ukraine,
Lviv. Pekarskaya st., 69,
Lviv National Medical University
named after Danila Galitsky,
Department of disaster medicine
and military medicine.
Tel.: 38 (032) 260-08-28
Kozopas Viktor Stepanovich
Information about the authors:
Kozopas V.S. PhD, Assistant of department of disaster medicine and military medicine of Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University.
Contacts | ©Vitebsk State Medical University, 2007-2023