Year 2015 Vol. 23 No 2




ME "9th Municipal Clinical Hospital, Minsk1, RUE "Scientific and Practical Center Lotios"2
ME "2nd Municipal Clinical Hospital", Minsk3,
The Republic of Belarus

Objectives. To evaluate the efficacy of immunomodulatory drugs Frugluminum A and Frugluminum B in the complex therapy of nonspecific acute surgical soft tissue infections.
Methods. Depending on the types îf treatment patients with an impaired immune status on the background of nonspecific acute surgical soft tissue infections were divided into 3 groups. In the 1st group (n=10; age (Me) – 45 (25-56 yrs) in addition to the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy the quintuple intramuscular injections of Frugluminum A were given; in the 2nd group (n=11; age (Me) – 54 (22-62 yrs) – Frugluminum B; in the 3rd group (n=12; age (Me) – 53 (25-62 yrs) – a placebo drug (sodium chloride 0,9%) received. Efficacy assessment was made according to the dynamics of the immune status indices of patients and clinical manifestations of acute surgical soft tissue infections.
Results. In the patients treated with Frugluminum A and Frugluminum B a reduction of local and systemic clinical manifestation of the inflammatory process was registered; in a case of purulent wounds the early development of complete granulation as well as positive results of laboratory parameters have been noticed. It was found out that Frugluminum A and Frugluminum B provide normalization of the total number of leukocytes and lymphocytes through a positive regulation of T-cell level (percentage of T-helper cells increases 6-7 days up to 45,0 (44,0-46,0%) compared to the analogous index prior treatment – 28,0 (22,0-31,0)% (p=0,0033) and reduces the concentration of circulating immune complexes from 48,0 (44,0-52,0) to 18,0 (17,0-20,0) (p=0,0033).
Conclusion. Application of Frugluminum A and Frugluminum B in patients with acute nonspecific surgical soft tissue infections normalizes functioning of the immune system and improves the efficiency of the complex antibiotic and anti-inflammatory therapy in general.

Keywords: immunotherapy, immunosuppression, purulent-septic diseases of the skin and soft tissues, Fruglyumin, complex antibacterial therapy, placebo, efficiency, T-helper cells
p. 194-201 of the original issue
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Address for correspondence:
210045, Respublika Belarus,
g. Minsk, ul. Semashko, 8,
UZ "9-ya gorodskaya klinicheskaya bolnitsa",
tel. office: 375 172 71-33-63,
Krivenko Svetlana Ivanovna
Information about the authors:
Krivenko S.I. PhD, an associate professor, deputy chief physician on the scientific work of ME "9th Municipal Clinical Hospital", Minsk.
Gapanovich V.N. MD, professor, director of RUE "Scientific and Practical Center Lotios".
Prusevich S.N. Chief physician of ME "2nd Municipal Clinical Hospital", Minsk.
Smolnikova V.V. A senior researcher of the scientific department of ME "9th Municipal Clinical Hospital", Minsk.
Contacts | ©Vitebsk State Medical University, 2007-2023