Year 2011 Vol. 19 No 6




Objectives. To study the immunotropic influence of the preparation “Omegaven” on immunocompetent cells of different immune organs at the experimental widespread purulent peritonitis.
Methods. The experiment has been carried out on 40 male rabbits of chinchilla breed. Influence of the preparation “Оmegaven” on neutrophil granulocytes’ migratory activity under the action of mitogen-induced immunocompetent blood cells, Peyer’s patches, spleen and inguinal lymph nodes was studied at the experimental widespread purulent peritonitis.
Results. It is established that regulating action of immunocompetent cells on migration of neutrophil leukocytes at the widespread purulent peritonitis is steady and widespread process which is observed within 5 days of the postoperative period.
Conclusions. Application in the postoperative period of preparation “Omegaven” containing omega-3 fatty acids corrects action of immunocompetent cells, changing their properties of regulation of neutrophil granulocytes’ migratory activity. The given effect was observed in all investigated bodies, the greatest degree was expressed in the peripheral blood and Peyer’s patches.

Keywords: widespread purulent peritonitis, omega 3 fatty acids, “Omegaven”, immunocompetent cells, immunotropic influences
p. 15 – 23 of the original issue
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