Year 2011 Vol. 19 No 5




Objectives. To estimate haemostasis system changes at the abdominal surgeries depending on an anesthesia method.
Methods. 140 patients undergone the scheduled upper- abdominal surgeries were included into the research. Patients were allocated into two groups: only total intravenous anesthesia (n=70) or general anesthesia combined with epidural analgesia (n=70). The quality of postoperative pain relief, concentrations of glucose and cortisol, coagulation and platelets aggregation indexes were investigated. The frequency of hemotransfusions and complications connected with haemostasis disturbances were also analyzed.
Results. It was established that epidural anesthesia and analgesia provided more adequate postoperative pain relief and limited increase of glucose and cortisol concentration during and after surgery. In both groups activation of coagulation and platelet aggregation with acceleration of fibrinolysis was marked. These changes were significantly less marked at epidural group. Frequency of blood transfusions at epidural anesthesia was lower and this probably is connected with restriction of fibrinolysis activation.
Conclusions. Epidural anesthesia at the upper-abdominal surgeries limits changes of haemostasis and reduces requirement for blood transfusions

Keywords: abdominal surgery, epidural anesthesia, haemostasis, blood transfusion
p. 106 – 111 of the original issue
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