Year 2010 Vol. 18 No 4




The review of the research works dedicated to studying etiology and pathogenesis of valve insufficiency of deep veins at the lower limbs varicosity is presented in the article. The problems of diagnostics of hemodynamic disturbances and their role in pathogenesis of the disease are viewed.
The literature data analysis has shown that despite of rather a long period of studying etiology, pathogenesis, clinical significance of functional disturbance of the deep veins valvar apparatus, the whole set of problems still remains unsolved. Up to the present the frequency of valve insufficiency in patients of different sexes, in different age groups and at different stages (classes) of the disease hasn’t been determined. Etiopathogenic mechanisms resulting in the deep veins valve insufficiency at varicosity haven’t been found out. Further investigations demand the determination of the role of the deep veins insufficiency in the disease progression. The questions of different diagnostic techniques application to evaluate the state of the deep veins demand the detailed study.

Keywords: chronic venous diseases, chronic venous insufficiency, varicosity, deep veins, valve insufficiency
p. 119-134 of the original issue
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