Year 2009 Vol. 17 No 4




We have determined the concentration of insulin-like growth factor I (IGFI) and of public prostatic specific antigen (PSA) in the blood serum of the patients with benign hyperplasia of the prostate gland (BHP), as well as in the patients with morphologically confirmed diagnosis of prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) and prostate carcinoma (PC) before special treatment, as well as in the control group. We’ve used the immune-enzyme analysis. We have carried out a standard clinical examination of the patients with prostate gland pathology and calculated the PSA density marker. We offer a method of differential diagnostics of BHP using the combination of three parameters: public PSA, IGFI and PSA density. We show benefit of using combination of these three parameters for BHP diagnostics before definition only the PSA and PSA density. Specificity of the offered test has made up 92,7%; sensitivity has made up 75%.

Keywords: benign hyperplasia of the prostate gland, prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia, prostatic specific antigen, insulin-like growth factor I, diagnostics
p. 118 – 127 of the original issue
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