Year 2007 Vol. 15 No 3




The experience of trochar endoscopic dissection of perforans veins in case of chronic venous insufficiency is analyzed. 40 patients with varicose and post-thrombophlebitis (from 4 to 6 classes) were operated on. Endoscopic dissection was performed both separately and in combination with intervention on superficial deep veins, and, if necessary, with layered dermatolipectomy and autodermatoplasty with bifid graft (shave-therapy). Conducted researches permit to conclude that trochar technology of endoscopic dissection can be successfully performed in treating chronic venous insufficiency. It allows carrying out in full volume defining and intersection of perforans veins in the sub-fascia space. Trochar technology of endoscopic dissection can be easily introduced into medical practice as it doesn’t require purchase of specific additional expensive instruments and is available to doctors at the surgical departments equipped with standard endovideosurgical apparatuses.

Keywords: chronic venous insufficiency, post-thrombophlebitis, varicose, endoscopic dissection of perforans.
p. 74 - 82 of the original issue
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