Year 2007 Vol. 15 No 3




Treatment outcomes in the patients with vascular synthetic prostheses suppuration are viewed in the article. Retrospective analysis of 132 aorta-femoral reconstructions with vascular synthetic prostheses, performed at Gomel regional department of vascular surgery from 1992 to 1997, was carried out. Average time of observation was 11±4 years. Vascular synthetic prosthesis purulent complications were revealed in 6% of cases. All patients were men in average age of 57±6, initially operated on the 4th stage of chronic arterial insufficiency. All patients were urgently admitted to the department.
Resection of infected branch of prosthesis was performed in 85% of cases. Initial total elimination of infected prosthesis was performed in 37, 5% of cases. High level lower extremity amputations were performed in 57% of cases. Mortality rate composed 67%. In 50% of cases, the cause of death was septic condition with its manifestations; and in 50% of cases- acute renal insufficiency.

Keywords: aorta-femoralreconstructions, synthetic prosthesis, infection of synthetic prosthesis.
p. 97 - 101 of the original issue
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