Year 2017 Vol. 25 No 2




FSBE Russian Scientific Center “Restorative Traumatology and Orthopedics”, named after Academician G.A. Ilizarov,
The Russian Federation

Objectives. To study the morphological features of reparative bone formation in metaphysis cavitary defect filling by implanting mesh constructs of titanium nickelide.
Methods. In adult male rats of Wistar lines in the experimental (n=25) and control (n=25) groups, the metaphysis cavity defects of the femur were modeled. The frame made of titanium-nickelide mesh was implanted into the bone defect in the animals of the experimental group; in the control group no additional manipulations were performed. The total experiment term made up 90 days. The methods of radiography, histology, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray electron probe microanalysis were used; the bone image in the characteristic X-ray of calcium atoms was obtained.
Results. It was found out that on the periosteal surface of the implant, a layer of dense connective tissue was formed to serve as a biological protective barrier preventing the paraosseal connective tissue germination. The microporous surface of the implant provides cell adhesion and tissue integration. Fine-meshed structure of the implant and its nanostructuring surface provide capillary properties, resulting in the adsorption of endogenous bone morphogenetic proteins and growth factors. The functional activity of the latter provides osteoconductivity, osteoinductivity of the implant. Reparative bone formation using the implant is carried out by the direct intramembranous type. Compensation of defect is performed by osseous tissue, the bulk density of which is more than one and a half times higher the control values. Chemical composition of the regenerate, which formed after implantations into the tibial bone defect, approaches to the indices of the trabecular bone of the intact metaphysis. A composite biomaterial is formed in the defect – a dense fibrous connective tissue reinforced by the threads of titanium nickelide, a trabecular bone and compact bone.
Conclusion. The mesh constructions of titanium nickelide implant has biocompatibility and marked osteoplastic properties and relieves the inflammatory process. It can be successfully used in orthopedic surgery for the treatment of cavitary defects of bones, especially in patients with impaired reparative potential.

Keywords: bone defect, reparative osteogenesis, implant, mesh constructions, titanium nickelide, biocompatibility, inflammatory process
p. 115-123 of the original issue
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Address for correspondence:
640014, Russian Federation,
Kurgan, M. Ulyanova st., 6, FGBI "Russian Scientific Center "Restorative Traumatology and Orthopaedics named after Acad. GA Ilizarov"
Morphology Lab.
Tel.: +7 (3522) 43-08-83
Yuri M. Iryanov
Information about the authors:
Iryanov Y.M. MD, Professor, Chief Researcher of morphology laboratory, FSBE "Russian Scientific Center "Restorative Traumatology and Orthopedics named after G.A.Ilizarov".
Borzunov D.Y. MD, Deputy Director (Science), FSBE "Russian Scientific Center "Restorative Traumatology and Orthopedics named after G.A.Ilizarov".
Dyuryagina O.V. PhD, Senior Researcher of laboratory of purulent osteology and replacement of limb defects, FSBE "Russian Scientific Center "Restorative Traumatology and Orthopedics named after G.A.Ilizarov".
Contacts | ©Vitebsk State Medical University, 2007-2023