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Year 2016 Vol. 24 No 2
SBEE SPE "Kazan State Medicine Academy"1,
SME "Ulyanovsk Regional Clinical Hospital" 2,
The Russian Federation
A literature review provides information about the prevention of pulmonary embolism and implantation of vena cava filters. For many years pulmonary embolism (PE) is an important clinical entity. Significant prospects for the the prevention pulmonary embolism and treatment of phlebothrombosis in the inferior vena cava have been opened by endovascular catheter intervention and first of all by implantation of vena cava filters. However, these interventions can result in adverse effects. Complications may arise during implantation or extraction of the filter or in the remote period. Complications of implantation are recorded in 4-15% of cases. They include local complications at the access site, improper implantation, migration, perforation of the inferior vena cava. The long-term complications related to the device (if the filter is not removed) include the following: filter migration or fracture fragment embolization (3%-69%), fracture of struts and perforation (9%-24%), the syndrome of the inferior vena cava (thrombosis 6%-30%), post-thrombotic syndrome (5%-70%), deep vein thrombosis (0%-20%) and recurrent pulmonary embolism (3%-7%). Despite a large number of complications, inferior vena cava filters are the popular medical devices for the prevention of pulmonary embolism. However, the amount of complications indicates the need for the development and application of a new generation of vena cava filters. The biodegradable vena cava filter (VCF) is an innovative concept. But due to lack of proper clinical experience the application of these devices requires a detailed analysis.
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Gluschenko Leonid Vitalevich
Sharfeev A.Z. MD, an associate professor, a head of the chair of cardiology, X-ray endovascular and cardiovascular surgery of SBEE SPE "Kazan State Medicine Academy", a head of the department of X-ray and surgical methods of diagnostics and treatment of the Medical and sanitary unit of FSEAE HE "Kazan Federal University of the Ministry of Education of Russia".
Gluschenko L.V. A physician of the endovascular diagnostics and treatment of the department of X-ray angiography of diagnostic and interventional surgery of SME "Ulyanovsk Regional Clinical Hospital".