Year 2014 Vol. 22 No 3




EE “Vitebsk State Medical University” 1,
ME “Vitebsk Regional Clinical Center of Psychiatry and Narcology” 2
The Republic of Belarus

Objectives. To analyze the attitude types towards disease of patients with acute pancreatitis, quality of life and correlation between the disease and alcohol factor to justify a complex approach to rehabilitation.
Methods. 86 patients with acute pancreatitis were enrolled in the survey. Psychological test survey was carried out by means of the questionnaire “AUDIT“, test CAGE, test “Net LeGo”, technique “The types of attitude towards disease”. Life quality of patients was analyzed using the “The method of life quality evaluation of patients and invalids” NAIF.
Results. The signs testifying in favor of taking alcohol no less than 2-3 times a week were revealed in 80% of patients with acute pancreatitis. In patients related the diseases with alcohol consumption the liver changes have been revealed in 87% of cases, gastric and duodenal mucous changes – in 91%. While analyzing the attitude types towards disease in 58% patients the combined and diffused attitude types towards disease and combination of the adaptive and desadaptive types were found out. The reduction of life quality parameters in patients with desadaptive attitude type towards disease and having alcohol anamnesis was registered. Persons with intermental and diffuse attitude type towards the disease in combination of adaptive and desadaptive type, suffered from comorbidities and changes of the liver and cardiovascular system in 100% of cases.
Conclusions. In patients suffering from acute pancreatitis with the types of reactions to the disease, indicating to stress of psychological and desadaptation, in 60% of the cases symptoms of the disease indicating the relationship with alcohol consumption have been revealed. To improve life quality in patients with acute pancreatitis it is advisable to carry out the rehabilitation measures in combination with normalization of the liver function, achieving the constructive psychological adjustment and correction of alcoholic history.

Keywords: acute pancreatitis, psychological peculiarities, quality of life
p. 306 – 312 of the original issue
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Address for correspondence:
210023, Respublika Belarus, g. Vitebsk, pr. Frunze, d. 27, UO «Vitebskiy gosudarstvennyiy meditsinskiy universitet», kafedra fakultetskoy khirurgii,
Fomin Anatoliy Viktorovich
Information about the authors:
Famin A.V. MD, professor of the faculty surgery chair of EE “Vitebsk State Medical University”.
Kirpihcenko A.A. MD, a head of psychiatry and narcology chair of EE “Vitebsk State Medical University”.
Famin F.A. An intern of ME “Vitebsk regional Clinical Center of Psychiatry and Narcology”.
Contacts | ©Vitebsk State Medical University, 2007-2023