Year 2014 Vol. 22 No 3




SBEE APE “Irkutsk State Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education”1,
NSME “Railways Clinical Hospital of JSC RR” 2
The Russian Federation

Objectives. To examine life quality operated on patients for postoperative ventral hernia.
Methods. Quality of life after the planned surgical treatment of postoperative ventral hernias in 367 patients (18-80 yrs) divided into two groups has been studied. Clinical comparison group (173 patients) was operated on according to Shumpelik method and the main group (194 patients) was operated on according to “the cut prosthesis” method. Each group was divided into two subgroups in which all patients were operated on in the variants “Sublay“ and “Inlay“, Shumpelik method and “the cut prosthesis” method. Life quality assessment was performed using the SF-36 questionnaire. The study was conducted in 15 patients from each group, randomly selected three years after the surgery. The physical and psychological components have been evaluated as a final result.
Results. The improvement of the quality of life has occurred in terms of physical health component in all comparison groups, mainly due to the domain of role functioning and pain intensity and to a lesser extent due to the general health domain. In the distant period the most pronounced improvement of the life quality was observed in patients with hernias of type W3-W4 operated on “the cut prosthesis” method. In the main group indices of physical and psychological health reliably increased in 1,5 and 1,3 – folds, respectively.
Conclusions. Quality of life after surgical treatment of postoperative ventral hernias increased after all investigated methods of prosthetic plastics. However, in the variant “Sublay“ the methods of “cut prosthesis“ has reliable advantage of life quality in the domains of role functioning due to physical and psychological component, as well as in the domain – the intensity of pain, as for the variant “Inlay“, the methods “cut prosthesis“ has reliable advantage of life quality in the scales of physical and psychological health.

Keywords: postoperative ventral hernias, surgical treatment, quality of life
p. 286 – 295 of the original issue
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Address for correspondence:
664079, Rossiyskaya Federatsiya, g. Irkutsk, m-n Yubileynyiy, d. 100, GBOU DPO «Irkutskaya gosudarstvennaya meditsinskaya akademiya poslediplomnogo obrazovaniya», kafedra khirurgii,
Kulikov Leonid Konstantinovich
Information about the authors:
Kulikov L.K. MD, professor, a head of the surgery chair of SBEE APE “Irkutsk State Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education”.
Buslaev O.A. PhD, a head of the surgical department of NSME “Railways Clinical Hospital of OJSC RR”.
Mihalevich I.M. PhD, a Corresponding member of RAMS, a head of the informatics and informational technologies chair of SBEE APE “Irkutsk State Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education”.
Shalashov S.V. PhD, a surgeon of NSME “Railways Clinical Hospital of OJSC RR”.
Privalov Y.A. PhD, an associate professor of the surgery chair of SBEE APE “Irkutsk State Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education”.
Sobotovich V.F. PhD, an associate professor of the surgery chair of SBEE APE “Irkutsk State Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education”.
Smirnov A.A. PhD, an assistant of the surgery chair of SBEE APE “Irkutsk State Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education”.
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