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Year 2014 Vol. 22 No 3
SEE “Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education” 1,
SE RNPC “Cardiology”2 , Minsk,
The Republic of Belarus
Objectives. To evaluate the character and frequency of angiological complications in cardiac surgery clinic after invasive interventional surgeries as well as to determine the measures of their preventions and methods of elimination.
Methods. The work result of the cardiosurgical clinic of Republic Scientific Practical Centre “Cardiology” has been analyzed. During the recent years (2011-2012) 5537 operations on the open heart and major vessels, 2234 coronary angiographies, 804 of coronary artery stenting, 221 stenting of periferal, renal, visceral arteries, 34 stenting of thoracic and abdominal aorta, 103 intraaortic balloon counter pulsation procedures, 18 extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, 10 paracorporeal and implantable heart bypasses, 72 sessions of ultrafiltration of the blood, 9 acute hemodialysis sessions have been performed.
The analyses of reports from the profile departments is carried out as well as of cases history, reports of interventions, procedures, investigations in case of angiological complications development demanding on the operative correction. Such complications as bleeding, strained hematoma, pseudoaneurisms, perforations and thromboses of the vessels have been registered.
Results. During the period 2011-2012 yrs. the frequency of vascular complications after coronary angiography made up the following: 27 of cases (1,2%) – strained thigh hematoma, 2 cases – the shoulder strained hematoma, 19 cases – false aneurysm of the femoral arteries, 5 cases – humeral artery thrombosis (as an access), 1 case of the distal bed embolism. At the stenting of the thoracic and abdominal aorta (34 interventions) 1 complication was registered (2,9%) – perforation of the iliac segment during the delivery system application, eliminated by means of the open intervention such as the defect suturing. The complications requiring surgical correction and associated with intra-aortic balloon counter pulsation have not been registered in 2011-2012 yrs.
Conclusions. In cardiosurgical clinics taken into consideration the character of profile pathology and wide use of intervention methods of diagnostics and treatment the different vascular complications can occur including those dangerous for life demanding on adequate and well-timed surgical correction. To reduction the incidence of complications mentioned above, it is advisable the concentration of the collective efforts of cardiovascular surgeons, endovascular internists, the introduction of current technologies and procuring by highly qualified professionals.
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220036, Respublika Belarus, g. Minsk, ul. R.Lyuksemburg, d. 110, RNPTs «Kardiologiya»,
Mikutskiy Nikolay Stanislavovich
Selesnev V.V. PhD, an associate professor of the cardiac surgery chair of SEE “Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education”.
Mikutski N.S. PhD, cardiac surgeon of the 1st cardiac surgery department of SE RSPC “Cardiology”.
Chernoglaz P.F. An endovascular surgeon of the endovascular surgery department of SE RSPC “Cardiology”.
Shestakova L.G. MD, a head of the extracorporeal blood circulation department of SE RSPC “Cardiology”.
Zhigalcovich A.S. PhD, a head of the 1st cardiac surgery department of SE RSPC “Cardiology”.
Ostrovsky Yu.P. Corresponding Member of NAS, MD, professor, a head of the cardiac surgery chair of SEE “Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education”, Chief Freelance cardiologist of MOH of RB.