Year 2013 Vol. 21 No 1




EE ‘Vitebsk State Medical University”
The Republic of Belarus

Objectives. To study dependence of NF (neurofilament) expression degree on the inflammation process severity in pancreas at chronic pancreatitis.
Methods. Using morphological, immunohistochemical, morphometric and statistical methods, we investigated the pancreas tissue specimens of 43 patients with chronic pancreatitis who underwent duodenum saving resection of the head of the pancreas. Control group included 5 pancreas head specimens of people died due to by accidents and without any pathology of pancreas. After staining with hematoxylin and eosin according to Van-Gizon method as well as immunohistochemical method (NF) at ×100, ×200, ×400 magnification, we estimated changes in the pancreas, lymphocytic (including perineural) inflammatory infiltration and the character of neurofilament expression.
Results. Involvement of the nervous tissue in the inflammatory process and its changes was demonstrated morphologically combined with the lymphocytic inflammatory infiltration, diffuse degenerative and expressed fibrous changes in the pancreas at chronic pancreatitis.
Severity of perineural inflammation varied in limits from 0,2 up to 1,714, median was equal to 0,914 (0,658-1,198). At the same time with the severity increasing of the inflammatory perineural lymphocytic infiltration the tendency to reduction of the NF expression degree, a marker of expressed mature and viable nervous tissue, as well as of the percentage of positively expressed nervous elements was observed.
The revealed link between the severity of the inflammatory changes and reduction of the size of mature and viable nervous tissue, testifying to the change of neurofilament expression degree, proves the dominance of the alteration processes of the nervous elements over the reparation in the pancreas in chronic pancreatitis.
Conclusions. The revealed changes testify to the straight role of the inflammation and the nervous component affection in chronic pancreatitis and are considered to be one of the pathogenetic mechanisms of the pain syndrome development in patients with chronic pancreatitis and progressive degenerative changes in the pancreas.

Keywords: chronic pancreatitis, nerve tissue, neurofilament, inflammation
p. 29 – 35 of the original issue
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Address for correspondence:
210023, Respublika Belarus', g. Vitebsk, pr. Frunze, 27, UO «Vitebskii gosudarstvennyi meditsinskii universitet», kafedra patologicheskoi anatomii,
Klopova Viktoriia Aleksandrovna
Information about the authors:
Klopova V.A. A post-graduate student of the pathologic anatomy chair of EE “Vitebsk State Medical University”.
Samsonova I.V. PhD, associate professor, head of the pathologic anatomy chair of EE “Vitebsk State Medical University”.
Contacts | ©Vitebsk State Medical University, 2007-2023