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Year 2012 Vol. 20 No 5
ME “Mogilev Regional Hospital”
The Republic of Belarus
Objectives. To assess the efficiency of combination of a local anesthetic with short time of blockade and short period of action (li-docaine) and the preparation with longer duration of anesthesia development but more continuous analgesic effect (ropivacaine) to support operation interventions on the limbs.
Methods. 54 blockades of the sciatic nerve under ultrasound control with electro stimulator of the peripheral nerves were done. The sciatic nerve blockade in the 1st group was done using 5 ml of 0,75% ropivacaine; in the 2nd group – 10 ml of 0,75% ropivacaine; in the 3rd group – by combination of local anesthetics composed of 5 ml of 0,75% naropin and 5 ml of 1% lidocaine. The primary final point was the time of a complete sensory block. Assessment of time of sensory and motor blocks development was performed from the moment when the local anesthetic was injected in the fascial cover of the sciatic nerve.
Results. Onset time of the complete motor and sensor block was shortened due to combining 1% lidocaine solution with 0,75% ropivacaine solution. Time for the complete block development in groups with using 5 and 10ml ropivacaine composed 46 (39;47) and 28 (28;30) minutes correspondently in contrast of 12(10;12) minutes when the combination of anesthetics was used (ð<0,01). There was no any difference in analgesia duration in the postoperative period between the groups (ð>0,05).
Conclusions. Combination of 5ml of 1% lidocaine with 5 ml of 0,75% ropivacaine resulted in time shortening of the sciatic nerve complete sensor and motor blocks development without reduction of the postoperative analgesia time.
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212026, Respublika Belarus, g. Mogilev, ul. B.-Biruli, d. 12, UZ «Mogilevskaya oblastnaya bolnitsa», otdelenie anesteziologii-reanimatologii,
Pecherskiy Valeriy Gennadevich
Pechersky V.G. Anesthetist-resuscitator of ME "Mogilev Regional Hospital”.