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Year 2012 Vol. 20 No 4
EE “Belorussian State Medical University” 1,
Military Medical Directorate of the Ministry Of Defence2,
Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus 3,
The Republic of Belarus
The analysis results of clinical diagnoses of 195 victims of the explosion at the station, “Octyabrskaya” of Minsk subway in April 11, 2011 who sought for the medical help on the attack day are presented in the article. The aim of the study is to evaluate the compliance of diagnoses to the basic principles of construction and formulation of diagnosis in patients with the explosive trauma.
As a result of this analysis the most common errors in the construction of diagnoses have been revealed as well as in the description of the morphological characteristics of lesions. The most common problems in medical specialists have been found out to cause the discrimination of the terms “mixed” and “combined” trauma.
Particular attention is paid to the preservation of clinical characteristics of the state severity of the wounded in the final diagnosis. The necessity of knowledge of pathogenesis of the explosive injuries and basic principles of their classification for the correct formulation of the diagnosis has been shown.
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220034, Respublika Belarus Minsk, ul. Azgura, d. 4, UO «Belorusskiy gosudarstvennyiymeditsinskiy universitet»,voenno-meditsinskiy fakultet,kafedra voenno-polevoy hirurgii,å-mail:,
Truhan Aleksey Petrovich
Trukhan A.P., Candidate of Medical Sciences, Major of Medical Service, Assistant of Military –Field Surgery Chair of the Military Medicine Faculty of EE "Belarusian State Medical University."
Zhidkov S.A., Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Colonel of Medical Service, the Chief of Military Medical Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Belarus
Koryk V.E., Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Colonel of Medical Service, Head of Militaryfield Surgery Chair of the Military Medicine Faculty of EE "Belarusian State Medical University."
Pikirenya I.I., Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Chief Surgeon of the Ministry of Public Health of the Republic of Belarus