Year 2012 Vol. 20 No 4




Federal Budgetary State Establishment “Kursk State Medical University”
The Russian Federation

Objectives. To study the impact of the site of the ectogenous embryonic fibroblasts introduction in regard to endoprosthesis on the collagen metabolism dynamics.
Methods. The experiment was conducted on 150 mice. The sterile polytetrafluoroethylene prosthesis was placed above the aponeurosis. The animals were divided into 3 groups numbering 50 animals: the 1 group – without fibroblasts introduction; the 2 – a single introduction of fibroblasts on the 7 day; the 3 group – the fibroblasts were injected twice on the 7 and 10 days. Cultivated fibroblasts were obtained from the embryos of white mice. Ectogenous fibroblasts were injected in the paratransplant zone only on the side of prosthesis inverted to the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Animals were derived from the experiment on the 10, 30 and 60 days. The sections were stained with Sirius Red.
Results. It has been revealed that at early terms the introduction of fibroblasts and repetition factor of the introduction don’t influence the collagen types correlation depending on the spatial orientation of the prosthesis. Further a reliable increase of the collagen type I is registered. Introduction of the ectogenous fibroblasts accelerates the increase of collagen correlation of I and III types more in the case of repeated introduction. On the 30 and 60days of the experiment reliable differences in the collagen correlation of I and III types have been registered and the increase of the collagen type I content has been observed on the side of prosthesis inverted to the skin. Deposition of the ectogenous fibroblasts due to the structure of the polytetrafluoroethylene prosthesis material and their further participation in the collagen metabolism is considered to be a critical factor in the process of connective tissue capsule formation and prevalence of the collagen type I at the late terms of the experiment.
Conclusions. The application of the ectogenous fibroblasts has a reliable modifying effect on the dynamics of the collagen type I formation on the introduction side.

Keywords: fibroblast, collagen, polarized microscopy, endoprostheses
p. 3 – 8 of the original issue

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Address for correspondence:
305000, Rossiyskaya FederatsiyaKursk, Ul. K. Marksa, d. 3,GBOU VPO «Kurskiy gosudarstvennyiy meditsinskiy universitet»,kafedra hirurgicheskih bolezney ¹1
Ivanov Ilya Sergeevich
Information about the authors:
Ivanov I.S., Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Surgical Diseases Chair ¹1 of Federal State Budgetary State Establishment “Kursk State Medical University”
Ivanov S.V., Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head Of The Surgical Diseases chair ¹1 of Federal State Budgetary State Establishment “Kursk State Medical University”
Goryainova G.N., Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Pathologic Anatomy Chair of Federal State Budgetary State Establishment “Kursk State Medical University”
Ivanov A.V., Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of Histology, Embryology and Cytology Chair of Federal State Budgetary State Establishment “Kursk State Medical University”
Tarabrin D.V., Resident of the Surgical Diseases Chair ¹1 of Federal State Budgetary State Establishment “Kursk State Medical University”.
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