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Year 2012 Vol. 20 No 2
National center of tuberculosis problems of the Ministry of health, Almaty,
The Republic of Kazakhstan
Objectives. To evaluate application efficacy of the method of the mechanical suture strengthening after atypical lung resection in patients with multiresistant forms of the lung tuberculosis.
Methods. Analysis of the designed method application in 35 patients with multiresistant forms of the lung tuberculosis after atypical resection of lung segments was carried out. The control group was composed of 31 patients with the multiresistant form of the lung tuberculosis without the given method application during the operation. The patients of the main and control groups underwent 66 operations of the resection character.
Results. Specific weight of the postoperative complications in the form of the bronchial fistula in the main group made up 8,6% cases; in the control group – 25,8%. Risk factors of postoperative complications at surgical treatment of patients with the multiresistant form of the lung tuberculosis were bacterial discharge and lung affection with tuberculosis. Application efficacy of the suggested method in the prophylaxis of the lung suture inconsistency made up 91,4% (ð<0,05); specific weight of the post-resection complications in the main group was 3 times less than in the control group.
Conclusions. The designed method of the mechanical suture strengthening after atypical lung resection in patients with the multiresistant form of the lung tuberculosis permitted to increase surgical treatment efficacy in 3 times.
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050010, Respublika Kazakhstan, g. Almaty, ul. Bekkhozhina. d. 5, Natsional'nyi tsentr problem tuberkuleza Ministerstva Zdravookhraneniia, otdelenie khirurgicheskogo lecheniia tuberkuleza legkikh s mnozhestvennoi lekarstvennoi ustoichivost'iu,
Zetov Askar Shyntasovich
Zetov A.Sh., candidate of medical science, a senior research fellow of the Department of surgical treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis with multiple
drug-resistance, “National center of tuberculosis problems” of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan.