Year 2012 Vol. 20 No 1




SBEE HPE “Ryazan State Medical University”1,
SME “Ryazan regional clinical cardiology dispensary” 2,
the Russian Federation

Objectives. To identify the incidence of certain genes mutations in patients with obliterating atherosclerosis of the lower limbs arteries.
Methods. 42 patients were examined in terms of grant of the President of Russian Federation ¹ MD-2536.2011.7. The first group (23 patients) included patients with stage II à disease who underwent a conservative therapy. The second group (19 patients) included patients with stage II b-III disease who underwent a reconstructive surgery. Control group included 6 healthy volunteers.
Results. It was found out that the concentration of NO metabolites comparing to the NTZ is 20-25% lower in heterezygotes and MTZ regardless of the study group. The tests showed that the number of ÌÒHFR HTZ subjects is higher in the study groups rather than in the control group. Heterozygosity of MTHFR is a risk factor for hyperhomocysteinemia and subsequently unfavorable course of the disease. It was noticed that heterozygosity of AGTR1 might cause favorable conditions for the development of intimal hyperplasia. Such feature might be especially observed within AGTR1 and JAK II polymorphism.
Conclusions. Polymorphsim of the studied genes plays an important role in progression of atherosclerosis, development of intimal hyperplasia, and restenosis of reconstruction area.

Keywords: atherosclerosis, gene polymorphism, endothelial dysfunction, NO-synthase
p. 42 – 45 of the original issue

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Address for correspondence:
390026, Rossiiskaia Federatsiia, g. Riazan', ul. Stroikova, d. 96, Riazanskii oblastnoi klinicheskii kardiologicheskii dispanser, otdelenie sosudistoi khirurgii,
Suchkov Igor' Aleksandrovich
Information about the authors:
Kalinin R.E. Doctor of medical sciences, àssociate professor, professor of the chair of angiology, vascular surgery, surgical and topographic anatomy of SBEE of HPO "Ryazan State Medical University" of Ministry of health and social development of Russia.
Suchkov I.A, Candidate of medical sciences, cardiovascular surgeon of SME “Ryazan Regional Clinical Cardiology Hospital."
Pshennikov A., Assistant of the chair of angiology, vascular surgery, surgical and topographic anatomy of SBEE of HPO "Ryazan State Medical University" of Ministry of health and social development of Russia.
Nikiforov A.S., Candidate of medical sciences, Head of Central Research Laboratory of SBEE of HPO "Ryazan State Medical University" of Ministry of health and social development of Russia.
Contacts | ©Vitebsk State Medical University, 2007-2023