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Year 2012 Vol. 20 No 1
EE “Vitebsk State Medical University”,
The Republic of Belarus
On the basis of the objective clinical and radiological signs using metric indexes, the estimation scale of the shoulder joint function was designed. The scale was clinically tested taking into account perennial experience of the operative interventions and further rehabilitation of 419 patients with various pathologies of the shoulder joint. The scale was designed taking into account modern literature and includes 8 indexes of clinical and instrumental estimation, professional and everyday life activity. The average clinical index used for integrate estimation of the patient’s state before and after treatment.
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7.Pankov IO, Riabchikov IV, Riabchikova EN. Oprosnik The brief pain inventory v praktike vracha vosstanovitel'noi khirurgii [The brief pain inventory in the practice of reconstructive surgery]. Mnogoprofil'naia klinika XXI veka. Peredov Med Tekhnologii: mat mezhdunar nauch praktich konf, Saint-Petersburg 14-16 sent Saint-Petersburg, RF; 2011. p. 179.
8.Pankov IO, Riabchikov IV, Riabchikova EN. Shkala KOOS (The knee injury and osteoarthritis outcome score) kak indikativnyi pokazatel' kachestva vosstanovitel'nogo lecheniia patsintov s perelomami v oblasti kolennogo sustava. Mnogoprofil'naia klinika XXI veka [The scale of KOOS (The knee injury and osteoarthritis outcome score) as an indicator of quality rehabilitation of patients with fractures of the knee]. Peredov Med Tekhnol: mat mezhdunar nauch prakt konf, Saint-Petersburg, RF: 14-16 sent. Saint-Petersburg, RF; 2011. p. 179–80.
9.Riabchikov IV, Pankov IO, Riabchikova EN. Oprosnik MOS-36ITEM FORM HEALTH SURVEY (MOS SF-36) kak indikativnyi pokazatel' kachestva vosstanovitel'nogo lecheniia patsientov s perelomami oblasti kolennogo sustava. Mnogoprofil'naia klinika XXI veka. [The questionnaire MOS-36ITEM FORM HEALTH SURVEY (MOS SF-36) as a quality indicator of restorative treatment of patients with fractures of the knee joint. Multidisciplinary Clinic of XXI century]. Peredov Med Tekhnol: mat mezhdunar nauch prakt konf, Saint-Petersburg, 14–16 sent Saint-Petersburg, RF; 2011. p.180–81.
10.Pankov IO. Oprosnik «EQ-5D» kak indikativnyi pokazatel' kachestva vosstanovitel'nogo lecheniia patsientov s perelomami oblasti kolennogo sustava Mnogoprofil'naia klinika XXI veka [Questionnaire «EQ-5D» as a quality indicator of of restorative treatment of patients with fractures of the knee joint. Multidisciplinary Clinic of XXI century]. Peredov Med Tekhnol: mat mezhdunar nauch prakt konf, Saint-Petersburg: 14-16 sent. Saint-Petersburg, RF; 2011. p.180–82.
210023, Respublika Belarus', g. Vitebsk, pr. Frunze, d. 27, UO “Vitebskii gosudarstvennyi meditsinskii universitet”, kafedra travmatologii, ortopedii i voenno-polevoi khirurgii,
Askerko Eduard Anatol'evich
Deykalo V.P. Doctor of medical sciences, professor, Rector of EE “Vitebsk State Medical University”.
Askerko E.A.Candidate of medical sciences, head of the chair of traumatology, orthopedics and military field surgery of EE “Vitebsk State Medical University”.
Tsushko V.V.Post-graduate student of the chair of traumatology, orthopedics and military field surgery of EE “Vitebsk State Medical University”.