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Year 2011 Vol. 19 No 1
The data concerning changes of the immune system at the liver pathology on the basis of the literature data are presented in the article. The questions concerning the main causes and mechanisms of the hepatocellular failure development are being discussed. Clinical significance of the integral hematologic indexes at the mechanical jaundice to estimate the severity of the inflammatory process is described. It is demonstrated that at the mechanical jaundice the decrease of the systemic cellular, humoral immunity occurs as well as of the leucocytes phagocytic ability, the blood serum bactericidal character and other indexes of the nonspecific organism resistance. Operative aggression and anesthesia cause immune-suppression which reaches its maximum by the third day of the postoperative period. In patients in the postoperative period one marks the immune response suppression revealed through the absolute number of Т- and В-lymphocytes decrease as well as through significant reduction of the leucocytes phagocytic activity, hypoimmunoglodunemia with the disturbance of the correlation between fractions by increasing IgA and IgM content and decreasing IgG level in the blood and bile.
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