Year 2010 Vol. 18 No 1




The description and comparative estimation of anesthesia methods used at nasal bones reposition are presented in the article. According to the survey of 42 patients who underwent the nasal bones reposition as well as of 11 otorhinolaryngologists who regularly performed this operation, the anesthesia adequacy was determined, differential approach to anesthesia choice depending on the type and remoteness of the fracture, age and wish of a patient was worked out. Intravenous anesthesia permits to perform the operation with less degree of pain and is a choice method in the treatment of emotionally labile patients and children. Intravenous general anesthetization is advisable to combine with local applicational anesthesia. Local anesthesia is recommended to be used in case of latest fractures in adults when allergies to local anesthetics are absent. It is more efficiently to use combination of applicational, infiltrational and conducting anesthesia. In case of the posterior nasal clivus fractures without nasal pyramid and nasal septum shifting it is possible to use only applicational anesthesia. Endotracheal anesthesia is recommended when the nasal form is restored in patients with inveterate fractures and in case of repeated fractures of nasal bones with deforming presented earlier when surgery had been performed according to the closed type of rhinoplasty.

Keywords: anesthesia, nose, fracture, reposition
p. 101 – 107 of the original issue
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