Year 2008 Vol. 16 No 4




By means of ultrasound color Doppler mapping the state of the arterial hemodynamics of the upper extremities in the patients with breast cancer in the process of surgical treatment is studied. It is established that in 49 % of the operated women the increase in the volume of blood-groove on the side of the operative intervention, connected with the changes of high-speed characteristics of a stream and changes of a vascular wall takes place. The maximum registered increase in the volume speed of blood-groove after operation has made 77 % from the initial one. The greatest increase in volume speed of blood-groove is fixed in the patients with the 1st stage of tumor process. Rise in the volume blood-groove increases significantly the volume of total postoperative lymph expiration. 11 % of the operated women inflow of arterial blood to a hand decreases owing to the development of skalenus-syndrome in patients in the postoperative period. The greatest registered decrease in the volume speed of blood-groove is on 53 %. In 30 % of cases arterial hemodynamics does not change. Preservation of intercostabrachialis does not influence the volume speed of blood-groove. An accompanying pathology, such as arterial hypertension, promotes the development of hemodynamic disturbances in the upper extremity on the side of the operation.

Keywords: breast cancer, hemodynamics, lymphedema, ultrasound, color Doppler mapping.
p. 77 – 85 of the original issue
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