Year 2008 Vol. 16 No 4




Carl Ivanovich Gibental, a native of Kashinsky uyezd Tver province, dedicated almost half a century of his life to Belarus. He worked as a surgeon and inspector in Minsk and Vitebsk medical boards. In addition to his practical activity, he paid much attention to the search of new methods of treatment. Priority in the development of some kinds of osteal-plastic surgeries as well as of new surgical instruments belongs to him. In the foreign literature the idea of the plaster bandage is connected with the name of the Belgian physician Mathisen and in Russia – with the surgeon N.I. Pirogov, but it is not true, because it is determined documentary that in Europe it was first proposed and used by C.I. Gibental. In the beginning of the XIX century it was he who invented and patented the method of fracture treatment that has been used until now. Range of his interests was exceptionally wide, including surgery, urology, traumatology, infectious diseases and psychiatry. He also took an active part in public life of Vitebsk. C.I. Gibental, an experienced surgeon, competent physician and skilful organizer, managed to do much to improve medical service rendering in Minsk and Vitebsk.

Keywords: Carl Ivanovich Gibental, history of surgery
p. 2 – 8 of the original issue
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