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Year 2008 Vol. 16 No 3
Abscess of the brain is rather difficult neurosurgical pathology of the central nervous system. In spite of drastic antibacterial remedy development and progress in microbiological and radiological diagnostics, sickness rate of brain’s abscess remains at a relatively stable level and it makes up 2-3 per cent among organic affections of the central nervous system.
Analysis of the mortality reasons shows that in many instances it has been closely related to the difficulties in early diagnostic of single and especially multiple, hematogenic metastatic abscesses that lead to belated treatment. On the other hand, practical use of antibiotics changes typical clinical findings and leads to appearance of difficulties in modern diagnostics.
The article deals with a very interesting personal experience in treatment of combination of two most difficult neurosurgical pathology - brain abscess and monoventricular obstructive hydrocephalus. Detailed anamnesis of the disease, diagnostics and surgical intervention allow to analyze the case and to make working conclusions about medical treatment of the patients with such pathology.
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