Year 2008 Vol. 16 No 2




The investigation to prove the incontestable superiority of the laparoscopic splenectomy (LS) in comparison with the traditional spleen removal by the laparoscopic access in the hematological patients has been performed. The main purpose of the research was the increase in safety. During the period of 2006–2007, twelve laparoscopic splenectomies were being performed in the clinic. Preliminary endovascular vessel occlusion of the spleen artery was carried out for more safety as well as the spleen surface treatment with the surgical laser. At the stages of the spleen mobilization and ligation of vessels in its hilus the apparatus “LigaSure” was used. There were no complications connected with the procedure. Intra-operative bleeding from the spleen vessels and its tissue wasn’t observed. Average operation duration comprised 145±4,4 minutes. Duration of staying in the hospital after the operation made up 5±0,14 days. There were no lethal outcomes.
Preoperative endovascular vessel occlusion of the spleen artery application, treatment of the spleen surface with the surgical laser МУЛ-1, worked out in the clinic, use of “LigaSure” apparatus have increased significantly the safety of the operation without transferring to the conversion, thus contributing to decrease of intra- and post-operative complications and shortening of the laparoscopic splenectomy duration.

Keywords: laparoscopy, splenectomy, surgical laser, electrosurgery, endovascular occlusion, hematology.
p. 39 – 46 of the original issue
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