Year 2008 Vol. 16 No 2




Local cryoinfluence for modeling of the pancreas pathology has been applied. The researches have been performed on the nonlinear white rats with the observance of the rules stipulated by the European commission on supervision of carrying out of laboratory and other experiments with participation of experimental animals of different kinds. Histological methods of research of the pancreas from 5 minutes till 90 days after the local hypothermia have been applied. The conducted morphological research of the changes dynamics in the tissue allowed establishing the stages of pathogenesis of acute pancreatitis in the experiment. The edematous- hemorrhagic form of acute pancreatitis, replaced by hemorrhagic pancreatic necrosis and resulting in chronic pancreatitis with the phenomena of sclerosis and lipomatosis of the body has been received. The stages of the experimental pancreatitis, which have been singled out, according to their morphological expression are similar to those, described in clinic. The proposed model will allow to solve some questions of etiopathogenesis and to approve new medical products and tactics of treatment of acute pancreatitis.

Keywords: experimental model, white rat, pancreas, hypothermia, acute pancreatitis.
p. 14 – 21 of the original issue
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