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Year 2008 Vol. 16 No 2
The main principles of rational application of ultrasound diagnostics at varicosity are recounted in the article on the ground of the literature review and our own experience. General characteristic is presented and possibilities of various ultrasound techniques at the lower limbs examination are described. Special attention is paid to the investigation standardization. Detailed comparison of the ultrasound blood pool scanning and radiological methods is performed. The role of ultrasound examination to examine the patients with varicosity is determined. Duplex blood pool scanning can be used for screening at the initial diagnostics and for monitoring to evaluate efficiency of medical actions and also as diagnostic investigation because it permits to get the principal information about pathomorphological and pathophysiological impairments which develop in the veins at this disease. Use of ultrasound blood pool scanning with color Doppler mapping allows reducing significantly the number of patients who demand more costly and invasive radiological investigation at the stage of diagnostics.
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