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Year 2007 Vol. 15 No 1
Questioning of 110 surgeons from all the republic regions has been carried out. Respondents have been suggested to answer the questions in order to get the idea about the tactic approaches used during the lower limb venous diseases treatment. Questionnaire includes the aspects of diagnostics, methods of operative and conservative treatment and patients’ rehabilitation. All the categories of surgeons who provide medical care to the patients with the lower limb venous system diseases have participated in this questioning. The obtained results have been subjected to analysis, on the basis of which some recommendations on the medical care improvement for this category of patients have been proposed. In addition to elaboration of rational, economically proved treatment plans for the patients with the lower limb varicose diseases and introduction of these plans into clinical practice, all-round activity aimed to increase the level of doctors’ training and modern equipment providing are really necessary in this field of surgery.
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