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Year 2007 Vol. 15 No 1
Studying of the traumatic shock is rather an actual aspect in modern medical science as shock is registered in 90-95% of patients with the associative trauma. Social significance of this problem is disputable as well, since the mortality rate in the result of a trauma takes the leading place among people at the capable of working age. Numerous experimental researches of native land and foreign scientists have allowed understanding of pathophysiological processes which take place in case of shock; it permits to reveal the ways of the given pathology intensive therapy. However, high lethality rate (20-30%) in case of the traumatic shock gives enough ground for further research in this field. Clinical, laboratory, morphologic changes that occurred in the laboratory animals in case of the traumatic shock stimulation according to Nobl-Kollip are shown in the article; and usage effectiveness of such preparations as mexidol and kreatinphosphat in the intensive shock therapy complex has been proved.
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