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Year 2007 Vol. 15 No 1
By the beginning of the 21st century in the majority of the developed countries the tendency in performing oncology surgeries in case of lung cancer had begun to appear in large regional multi-profile centers on the basis of cardio-thoracic departments. It permits to extend lung cancer surgical treatment possibilities and possibilities for accompanying cardiac diseases treatment (coronary artery shunting, aneurism resection) using the latest cardio-surgery achievements such as performing operations with the artificial blood circulation or even with the lung transplantation. But the results of the surgical intervention alone in case of IIIA or IIIB degree of non small-celled lung cancer are not very satisfactory. If the patient isn’t refused surgery, the treatment of this patient should be planned with the compulsory additional usage of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The recent researches haven’t shown the positive effect of the post-operative radiotherapy on the life length increase. Some researches have established that in 80% of cases, the main cause of death after radical operation in case of non small-celled III degree lung cancer is the progressing process with distant metastasis. That’s why the interest of oncologists to systemic influence on the tumor is rather clear. During the last 3 years five researches have been conducted which testify to adjuvant chemotherapy positive effect and its everyday wider application expediency. However, there are many unsolved problems concerning practical application of adjuvant chemotherapy. What chemotherapy is optimal according to its toxicity and effectiveness? What patients are to undergo adjuvant chemotherapy?
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