Year 2007 Vol. 15 No 1




ESWL and contact (percutaneous, transurethral access) destruction of stones with the help of X-ray, ultrasonic and endoscope methods of investigations are the alternative methods to the traditional open operations in modern urology in case of urolithiasis. The universal introduction of ESWL has changed treatment tactics but has not changed urolithiasis incidence rate. ESWL is a highly effective, non-invasive method, with minimum of serious complications, comfortable for a patient and for a doctor.
In the article the first experience of ESWL application is analyzed performed in Vitebsk urological clinic in 2006. 119 patients were treated with the help of LITHOSCOP (III-generation device, made by Siemens). The amount of open and endoscope operations in case of urolithiasis has 1.5 times decreased; the amount of less-invasive methods in the treatment of urolithiasis has 2.2 times increased. Anesthesia isn’t required during LITHOSCOP-associated treatment. The ratio of the open operation to ESWL has decreased from 1.6 in 2005 up to 0.48 in 2006. ESWL as the mono therapy was effective in 96.6 % of all cases; it considerably exceeds efficacy of treatment with the help of «URAT-P The treatment with the help of LITHOSCOP was accompanied by minimum of complications. 80% of the patients have left the hospital after ESWL with a capacity to work.

Keywords: distant lithotripsy (ESWL), urolithiasis, LITHOSCOP.
p. 87 - 92 of the original issue
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