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Year 2006 Vol. 14 No 4
The literature review on one of the most important sections of phlebology - diagnosing and treatment of acute deep venous thrombosis of the lower extremities – is presented in the article. At present, the given problem is an actual one and it hasn’t been completely solved because of etiology complexity, disease pathogenesis, variety of clinical manifestations, difficulties in diagnosing and absence of a single treatment approach. Modern scientific data on epidemiology of the disease, etiology and pathogenesis of venous thrombogenesis are given in the article. The overview of new scientific data on the methods of laboratory, instrumental diagnostics and molecular-genetic investigations is submitted in the article. The problems of tactics and the principles of present-day approach to the treatment of acute deep venous thrombosis of the lower extremities are illuminated. The possibilities of complex therapy are estimated and characteristic of surgical methods is given. Rehabilitation aspects in the patients who have acute deep venous thrombosis of the lower extremities are discussed. Modern pathogenic approaches to the disease prevention are reflected in the research.
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