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Year 2006 Vol. 14 No 4
According to the clinical-laboratory criteria and treatment outcomes, three groups of patients were distinguished. The first group included 51 patients (53,1%) with favourable course of acute cholangiogenic infection. Endogenic intoxication (EI) level was not high; the reaction of the immune system didn’t exceed the limits of being protective. Elimination of the obturation cause resulted in a fast disappearance of its symptoms. There were no fatal outcomes. The second group included 27 patients (28,1%) with acute suppurative cholangiogenic infection. In the clinical picture the syndrome of EI predominated, the level of which was very high. Secondary immunodeficiency was developing, revealing itself in non-specific resistance disorders. Four patients (14,8%) died. The causes of death were an acute hepatic-renal deficiency and severe EI leading to decompensation of accompanying pathology. The third group included 18 patients (18,8%) with a septic course of acute cholangiogenic infection. This form of the disease was accompanied by marked decompensation of the body protective immunity. Elimination of the cholestasis cause didn’t always result in weakening the cholangiogenic infection. In some patients it grew progressively worse. Seven patients (41,2%) died. The causes of death were sepsis, bacterial-toxic shock and polyorganic deficiency. The estimation of cholangitis from the position of the cholangiogenic infection demands the necessity of individual approach to the medical measures.
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