Year 2006 Vol. 14 No 1



Clinical research of surgical rehabilitation results of 30 patients (30 eyes) with aphakia, complicated by ligament-capsular lens apparatus failure is presented in the article. Intraocular correction was carried out in different terms from 4 months up to 12 years after cataract surgery.
The treatment results were evaluated in the first day after the intervention, in the day of a patient’s discharge from the hospital and usually in the 5th-7th days after the operation. Further the patients were examined 1, 3,6,12 and 24 months after the intraocular lens transplantation. It was found out that differential approach to the choice of the intraocular lens as well as to the way of the intraocular correction of aphakia depending on the accompanying eye pathology permits to carry out surgical rehabilitation appropriately to the initial state of the aphakias eye.

Keywords: aphakia, intraocular lens, angular fixation, transscleral fixation
p. 47 - 53 of the original issue
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