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Year 2006 Vol. 14 No 4
According to the clinical-laboratory criteria and treatment outcomes, three groups of patients were distinguished. The first group included 51 patients (53,1%) with favourable course of acute cholangiogenic infection. Endogenic intoxication (EI) level was not high; the reaction of the immune system didn’t exceed the limits of being protective. Elimination of the obturation cause resulted in a fast disappearance of its symptoms. There were no fatal outcomes. The second group included 27 patients (28,1%) with acute suppurative cholangiogenic infection. In the clinical picture the syndrome of EI predominated, the level of which was very high. Secondary immunodeficiency was developing, revealing itself in non-specific resistance disorders. Four patients (14,8%) died. The causes of death were an acute hepatic-renal deficiency and severe EI leading to decompensation of accompanying pathology. The third group included 18 patients (18,8%) with a septic course of acute cholangiogenic infection. This form of the disease was accompanied by marked decompensation of the body protective immunity. Elimination of the cholestasis cause didn’t always result in weakening the cholangiogenic infection. In some patients it grew progressively worse. Seven patients (41,2%) died. The causes of death were sepsis, bacterial-toxic shock and polyorganic deficiency. The estimation of cholangitis from the position of the cholangiogenic infection demands the necessity of individual approach to the medical measures.
- Машанский, А.А. Гнойный холангит /А.А. Машанский [и др.] // Хирургия. – 2002. - №3 – С.58-65.
- Гальперин, Э.И. Билиарный сепсис: некоторые особенности патогенеза / Э.И. Гальнерин, Г.Г. Ахаладзе // Хирургия. – 1999. - №10 – С.24-28.
- Саенко, В.Ф. Гнойный холангит. Патогенез и принципы лечения / В.Ф. Саенко, М.Е. Ничитайло, И.М. Тодуров // Материалы 2-го конгресса Ассоциации хирургов им. Н.И. Пирогова, Ст.- Петербург, 1998. – С.56-57.
- Лейшнер, У. Практическое руководство по заболеваниям желчных путей / У. Лейшнер. – М.: ГЭОТАР – МЕД, 2001.- 264 с.
- Колб, В.Г. Лабораторная диагностика хирургических заболеваний: справочное пособие / В.Г. Колб, В.С. Камышников. – Мн.: Выш.шк., 1993. – 185 с.
- Гаин, Ю.М. Объективная оценка тяжести состояния и прогноза в хирургии / Ю.М. Гаин [и др.] – Минск, 2005. – 299 с.
- Илюкевич, Г.В. Ферропротеины как маркеры системного воспаления при остром распространённом перитоните / Г.В. Илюкевич, Л.А. Смирнова // Материалы VII Всероссийского съезда анестезиологов-реаниматологов. – М., 2002. – С. 68-69.
Clinical course peculiarities of varicose disease were studied in the patients with the lower limbs deep veins valves insufficiency. 1320 patients were included in the research. According to the data of the US scanning and retrograde phlebography the patients were divided into two groups: the 1st group included 524 patients with the affection of only the superficial veins; the 2nd group included 796 patients with the valvular insufficiency of the deep veins.
The comparison of the main clinical manifestations of varicose disease of the lower limbs has revealed that the deep veins involvement in the pathologic process leads to unfavorable case course. In the case of the deep vein valves incompetence most patients have manifestation of chronic venous insufficiency and trophic disturbances are developing more frequently and rapidly than in the patients with only superficial veins involvement. The revealed tendency permits to recommend more intensive medical tactics in patients having deep veins valvular incompetence.
- Веденский, А.Н. Варикозная болезнь / А.Н. Веденский. - Л.: Медицина, 1983. - 208 с.
- Ошибки, опасности и осложнения в хирургии вен: руководство для врачей / Под ред.Ю.Л.Шевченко. - СПб: Питер Ком,1999. - 320 с.
- Makarova, N.P. Does surgical correction of superficial femoral vein valve change the course of varicose disease? / N.P.Makarova, F. Lurie, S.M. Hmelniker // J.Vasc.Surg. - 2001. - №2. - P. 361 - 368.
- Реконструкция клапанного аппарата глубоких вен в комплексном лечении хронической венозной недостаточности / К.Г. Абалмасов [и др.]; под ред. акад. РАМН Л.А. Бокерия. – М.: Изд-во НЦССХ им А.Н.Бакулева РАМН, 2002. - 28 с.
- Lurie, F. Surgical management of deep venous reflux / F. Lurie, R.L. Kistner, B. Eklof // Semin. Vasc. Surg. - 2002. - Vol.15, № 1. - Р.50-56.
- Lane, R.J. Intermediate to long-term results of repairing incompetent multiple deep venous valves using external valvular stenting / R.J. Lane, M.L.Cuzzilla, C.G. McMahon // ANZ J. Surg. - 2003. - Vol.73,№ 5. - Р.267 - 274.
- Perrin, M. Results of valvuloplasty in patients presenting deep venous insufficiency and recurring ulceration / M. Perrin, B. Hiltbrand, J.M. Bayon // Ann.Vasc.Surg. - 1999. - Vol. 13, № 5. - Р. 524 - 532.
- Флебология: Руководство для врачей / В.С.Савельев [и др.]; под ред. В.С.Савельева. - М.: Медицина, 2001. - 664 с.
- Влияет ли экстравазальная коррекция клапанов бедренной вены на течение варикозной болезни? / А.И.Кириенко, В.Ю.Богачев, И.А.Золотухин, Н.Г.Панина //Ангиология и сосудистая хирургия. - 2002. - т.8. - № 2. - С. 39 - 44.
- Патогенез и хирургическое лечение при трофических язвах нижних конечностей на почве варикозной болезни / Б. С. Суковатых, П. М. Назаренко, Л.Н.Беликов, О. А.Родионов и др. // Вестник хирургии – 2000. - № 3 – C. 25 - 30.
- Labas, P. Anti-reflux surgery of the popliteal vein / P. Labas, B. Ohradka // Bratisl.Lek.Listy. - 1998. - Vol. 99, № 2. - Р. 116-118.
- Рефлюкс по бедренной вене и течение варикозной болезни нижних конечностей / А.В.Гавриленко [и др.] // Phlebolymphology. Специальный выпуск: VI Конференция Ассоциации флебологов России, Москва, 23-25 мая 2006 г.- М., 2006. - С.8.
- Bradbury, A. The relationship between lower limb symptoms and superficial and deep venous reflux on duplex ultrasonography: The Edinburgh Vein Study / A. Bradbury [et al.] // J. Vasc. Surg. - 2000. - Vol. 32, № 5.- P. 921 - 931.
- Варикозная болезнь вен нижних конечностей: стандарты диагностики и лечения: совещание экспертов в Москве 16 июня 2000 г. - М., 2000. - 16 с.
- Международная статистическая классификация болезней и проблем, связанных со здоровьем. Десятый пересмотр (МКБ-10): Краткий вариант. - Мн.: ООО «Аскар», 2001.- 400 с.
Acute pancreatitis is referred to severe illnesses of the gastrointestinal tract and, at present, it occupies the third place according to its frequency of appearance among acute surgical diseases following acute appendicitis and acute cholecystitis. Disseminated infected pancreatonecrosis remains the most severe form of acute pancreatitis. One of the serious problems in the destructive pancreatitis treatment is the nutritional support performing as an obligatory component of the complex intensive therapy.
Our treatment experience of this category of patients is presented in the article. According to the conducted nutritive support, the patients were divided into two groups. The patients of the first group received parenteral nourishment; in the second group early enteral nourishment was adapted. The results of examination make it possible to state that including of enteral nutrition into the treatment complex leads to reduction in lethality and in the number of complications in the postoperative period.
- 1.Нестеренко, Ю. А. Лечение гнойных осложнений панкреонекроза / Ю. А. Нестеренко, С. В. Михайлусов, Р. Ю. Тронин // Материалы 3 конгресса Ассоциации хирургов им. Н. И. Пирогова. – М., 2001. – С. 117-118.
- 2.Гостищев, В. К. Основные принципы хирургического лечения больных с острым деструктивным панкреатитом / В. К. Гостищев, В. А. Глушко // Материалы 9 Всероссийского съезда хирургов, Волгоград, 20-22 сент. 2000 г. – С. 30-31.
- 3.Данилов, М. В. Хирургическое лечение гнойного панкреатита / М. В. Данилов, В. П. Глабай, Р. Я. Темирсултанов // Материалы 9 Всероссийского съезда хирургов, Волгоград, 20-22 сент. 2000 г. – С. 28.
- 4.Искусственное питание в неотложной хирургии и травматологии / под ред. А. С. Ермолова, М. М. Абакумова. – М.: М.-Сити, 2001. – 388 с.
- 5.Костюченко, А. Л. Деструктивный панкреатит. Стратегия и тактика лечения на современном этапе / А. Л. Костюченко // Материалы 9 Всероссийского съезда хирургов, Волгоград, 20-22 сент. 2000 г. – С.160; С. 4; С. 110-113.
- Bacterial translocation in acute pancreatitis. Experimental study in rats / L. De Souza [et al.] // Rev. Hosp. Clin. Fac. Med. San Paulo. – 1996. – Vol. 51, N 4. – P. 116 – 120.
- 7.Луфт, В. М. Клиническое питание в интенсивной медицине: практическое руководство / В. М. Луфт, А. Л. Костюченко. – СПб.: РСЗ АсПЭП, 2002. – 175 с.
- Abou-Assi, S. Nutrition in acute pancreatitis / S. Abou-Assi, S. J. O’Keefe // Gastroenterol. – 2001. – Vol.32, N 3. – P.203-209.
- 9.Лященко, Ю. Н. Основы энтерального питания / Ю. Н. Лященко, А. Б. Петухов. – М.: Вега Интел XXI, 2001. – 343 с.
- 10.Попова, Т. С. Нутритивная поддержка больных в критических состояниях / Т. С. Попова [и др.]. – М.: М-Вести, 2002. – 141 с.
- 11.Руководство по парентеральному и энтеральному питанию / под ред. И. Е. Хорошилова. – СПб.: Нормед-издат, 2000. – 376 с.
- 12.Савельев, В. С. Клинико-морфологическая характеристика панкреонекроза в свете хирургического лечения / В. С. Савельев // Анналы хир. – 2001. – № 3. – С. 58-62.
- 13.Сажин, В. П. Хирургическая тактика лечения острого панкреатита / В. П. Сажин, А. Л Авдовенко, П. А. Малашенко // Материалы 9 Всероссийского съезда хирургов, Волгоград, 20-22 сент. 2000 г. – С. 109-110.
- Толстой, А. Д. // Хирургия. – 2001. – № 12. – С. 58-61.
- Beger, H. G. Necrosectomy or anatomically guided resection in acute pancreatitis / H. G. Beger, B. Rau, R. Isenmann // Chirurg. – 2000. – Vol.71, N 3. – P.274-80.
Complex overview of the hand surgery development and formation has been firstly carried out. The history, achievements and the problems of the profession have been reported using the data of the Russian and foreign literature.
- Николаенко, В.К. Огнестрельные ранения кисти / В.К. Николаенко, П.Г. Брюсов, В.С. Дедушкин. - М., 1999. – 232 с.
- Усольцева, Е.В. Хирургия заболеваний и повреждений кисти / Е.В. Усольцева, К.И. Машкара. - Л., 1986. - 352 с.
- Chamay, A. The history of flexor tendon surgery / A. Chamay // Ann. Chir. Main. Memb. – 1997. - Vol. 16, N1. – Р. 9-15.
- Manske, P.R. History of flexor tendon repair / P.R. Manske // Hand Clin. – 2005. - Vol.21, N2.- Р. 123-127.
- Verdan, C. The history of hand surgery in Europe / С. Verdan // Hand Surg. [Br.]. - 2000. - Vol. 25. - P. 238-241.
Data on the number of the stomach cancer cases in Vitebsk region during the period from 1975 till 2004 are presented in the given article. It is established, that the number of the revealed patients who have carcinoma of the stomach for the first time tends to decrease; it is more frequently occurred at the age of 50 and older; for the last 15 years quality of analysis and treatment has improved (percentage of diagnosis morphologic confirmation has increased up to 98,1%; the number of patients who are revealed at the 1st and 2nd stages of the disease has escalated; the percentage of the patients who are radically operated on has also grown). Study of the data on the number of the stomach cancer cases according to sex, age, residence is necessary for efficient planning and organization of the curative measures.
- Аксель, Е. М. Статистика рака легкого, желудка и пищевода: состояние онкологической помощи, заболеваемость и смертность/ Е. М. Аксель, М. И. Давыдов, Т. И. Ушакова // Вестн. РАН. – 2001. – №9. – С. 61-65.
- Базин, И. С. Рак желудка: значение проблемы и современные возможности лечения / И. С. Базин, А. И. Гарин // Росс. мед. журн. – 2002. – Т.10, №14. – С. 1-14.
- Комбинированное лечение рака желудка с предоперационным и интраоперационным облучением / Б. А. Бердов [и др.] // Практическая онкология: избранные лекции. – Санкт-Петербург: Центр ТОММ, 2004. – С. 484-498.
- Гарин, А. М. Злокачественные опухоли пищеварительной системы / А. М. Гарин, И. С. Базин. – Изд-во «Индомедиа Паблишерз», 2003. – 264 с.
- Голдобенко, Г. В. Рак желудочно-кишечного тракта – проблемы лучевой терапии / Г. В. Голдобенко [и др.] // Вопр. онкол. – 1999. – №2. – С. 198-201.
- Давыдов, М. И. Принципы хирургического лечения злокачественных опухолей в торако-абдоминальной клинике / М. И. Давыдов // Вопр. онкол. – 2002. – №4-5. – С. 468-479.
- Рак желудка: что определяет стандарты хирургического лечения / М. И. Давыдов [и др.] // Практическая онкология: избранные лекции. Санкт-Петербург: Центр ТОММ, 2004. – С. 473-483.
- Залуцкий, И. В. Эпидемиология злокачественных новообразований в Беларуси / И. В. Залуцкий // Минск: Зорны верасень, 2006. – 207 с.
- Мерабишвели, В. М. Рак желудка: эпидемиология, профилактика, оценка эффективности лечения на популяционном уровне / В. М. Мерабишвели // Практическая онкология: избранные лекции. – Санкт-Петербург: Центр ТОММ, 2004. – С. 433-442.
- Поляков, С. М. Злокачественные новообразования в Беларуси 1996-2005 / С. М. Поляков, Л. Ф. Левин, Н. Г. Шебеко // под ред. А. А. Граковича, И. В. Залуцкого. – Мн.: БЕЛ ЦМТ, 2006. – 194 с.
- Сельчук, В. Ю. Рак желудка / В. Ю. Сельчук, М. П. Никулин // Росс. мед. журн. – 2003. – Т.11, №26. – С.14-21.
- Тюляндин, С. А. Химиотерапия рака желудка / С. А. Тюляндин // Практическая онкология: избранные лекции. – Санкт-Петербург: Центр ТОММ, 2004. – С.499-510.
- Щепотин, И. Б. Рак желудка: практическое руководство по профилактике, диагностике и лечению / И. Б. Щепотин, С. Р. Т. Эванс // Киев «Книга Плюс», 2000. – 227 с.
In the article the original therapy method of the shoulder joint instability in case of shoulder rotator cuff with functional deficiency of supraspinal muscle partial damages was described. The method has been worked out in the traumatology and orthopedics clinic of Vitebsk State Medical University (patent № 4949). The given method of treatment has been used in 14 patients. Analysis of the immediate and distant results is performed. It is shown that in the patients with lateralization of the supraspinal muscle ligaments, the percentage of improvements of shoulder joint function according to the majority of clinical indexes is significantly higher in the nearest post-operative period (on average 2,85±0,95 months) than in the subsequent period (on average 8,07±0,99 months). Activity index increase is 26% higher, self-service index – 29,8% higher, rotator movement index – 40% and 37,2% higher, elevation and abruptness of movements index – 35,6% and 37,2% higher correspondingly. Considerable pain syndrome presence as well as the presence of slight importance humeral-scapular angle opening during the first four months (IP=3,86±0,36, HAS= 60,93±2,34°) in the patients is due to the expanded operative volume and corresponding tissue traumatism. During a four months period (on average 8,07±0,99 months)such operative volume and subsequent recovery treatment have helped to increase humeral-scapular angle up to 100,42±4,91° when MCI is 4,79±0,10; it has been caused by the optimal stabilization of the joint as well as restoration of supraspinal muscle tension.
- Аскерко, Э.А. Лечение больных с хронической нестабильностью плечевого сустава при патологии ротаторной манжеты: инструкция к применению № 31 – 0205: утверждена МЗ РБ 8.11.05 / Э.А. Аскерко; Витебский государственный медицинский университет. – Витебск, 2006. – 22 с.
- Диваков, М.Г. Диагностика повреждений ротаторной манжеты плеча / М.Г. Диваков, Э.А. Аскерко // Здравоохранение. – 1999. – № 10. – С. 40-44.
- Liu, J. Biomechanical effect of medial advancement of the supraspinatus tendon. A study in cadavera / J. Liu [et al.] // J. Bone Joint Surg. – 1998. – Vol.80-A, №6. – P. 853-859.
- Neer, C. S. Cuff tears, biceps lesions, and impingement. In Shoulder Reconstruction / C. S. Neer; W. B. Saunders. – Philadelphia, 1990. – P. 141-142.
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Valve state of the lower extremities deep venous system estimation during the X-rays examination is based on Valsalva test application. But while studying hemodynamics in the popliteal segment, this method doesn’t guarantee an adequate retrograde blood flow, especially if the thigh valves turn out to be sufficient. We have developed the method of the compressive popliteal phlebography. To estimate advantages of the newly proposed technique we have compared the results of the traditional and the compressive phlebography in 73 patients with varicose disease.
The research has shown that the reflux revealed in the popliteal and posterior tibial veins with the usage of only Valsalva test is always presented during the compressive popliteal phlebography. Retrograde blood flow hasn’t been diagnosed in 55 patients when the traditional method has been applied. Usage of the compressive technique permits to find out the reflux in 25 more patients out of the residual 55 patients. Thus the proposed technique permits to diagnose valve insufficiency of the popliteal vein more precisely. Moreover, this method allows assessing the state of the sural veins.
- Веденский, А.Н. Варикозная болезнь / А.Н. Веденский.- Л.: Медицина, 1983.-208 с.
- Ошибки, опасности и осложнения в хирургии вен: руководство для врачей / под ред.Ю.Л.Шевченко. - СПб: Питер Ком,1999.-320 с.
- Клапанная недостаточность суральных вен при варикозной болезни / В.Ю.Богачев [и др.] // Грудная и сердечно-сосудистая хирургия.-1998.-№ 4.-С.42-44.
- Диагностика рефлюксов крови в венах стопы и механизмы развития хронической сублодыжечной венозной недостаточности / Б.С.Суковатых [и др.] // Ангиология и сосудистая хирургия.- 2001.-Т.7, №2.- С. 40-47.
- Морозов, К. М. Анатомические причины, вызывающие недостаточность клапанов глубоких вен и хирургические методы их купирования / К. М. Морозов, К. Г. Абалмасов // Анналы хирурги.- 2002.-№6.- С.60-63.
- Colour Doppler ultrasound in diagnosing venous insufficiency. A comparison to descending phlebography / M.Magnusson [et al.] / Eur.J.Vasc.Endovasc.Surg. - 1995.-Vol.9, №4. - P. 437-443.
- Variable venous anatomy of the popliteal fossa demonstrated by duplex scanning / J. Farrah [et al.] // Dermatol.Surg.- 1998.- Vol.24,№8. - P.901-903.
- The mechanism of venous valve closure. Its relationship to the velocity of reverse flow / P.S.Van Bemmelen [et al.] // Arch.Surg.-1990.-Vol.125, №5.- P.617-619.
- Клинико-рентгенологическая диагностика вертикального рефлюкса крови в мышечно-венозной помпе нижних конечностей и таза при варикозной болезни / Е.Ф.Фирсов [и др.] // Вестник рентгенологии и радиологии.- 1998.- №1.- С.30-35.
- Гладких, В.Г. Влияние патологических нарушений функционального состояния глубоких вен нижних конечностей на клиническое течение варикозной болезни / В.Г. Гладких, Б.С.Суковатых, В.А.Лазаренко // Вестник хирургии.-1987.-№12.С.50-54.
Phlebosclerosing therapy is an efficient, safe, mini-invasive, non-stationary method of the of the lower limbs varicosity treatment. At the same time phlebosclerosing therapy isn’t the universal way of treatment; its application should be strictly limited taking into account the character of the pathological process, the revealed peculiarities of the morphologic construction of the venous wall and the functional manifestations of the disease. While applying phlebosclerosing therapy of the lower limbs varicosity, a significant factor affecting its results is the character of the venous wall. The morphological investigations of the venous wall in case of various degrees of the venous wall affection have been performed. The presence of four types of the lower limbs varicosity according to the venous wall character («organdy», «soft», «dense», «groove») has been proved; it is rather essential for the choice of the concentration of phlebosclerosing medication in application of phlebosclerosing therapy and determination of the indications to other types of treatment of the lower limbs varicosity. The researches which have been carried out let distinguish the morphological types of the venous wall and their clinical signs, usage of which improves the results of phlebosclerosing therapy significantly.
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- Kanter, A. Sequential injection of 3% sodium tetradecyl sulphate and 20% sodium chloride in the treatment of refractory varicosity of the greater saphenous vein // J. Dermatol. Surg. Oncol. – 1994. – Vol. 20, 5. – P. 329 – 331. // Dermatol. Surg. – 1995. – Vol. 21, N 4. – P. 355 – 356.
The results of 97 patients with acute cholangiogenic infection treatment from the basic group and 96 patients from the control group are studied. Both groups are comparable. On the basis of the clinical-laboratory criteria and outcomes, the patients are subdivided into three subgroups: with favorable course of acute cholangiogenic infections (53,9%), with acute suppurative cholangiogenic infection (28,5%) and with septic course of acute cholangiogenic infection (17,6%). Early decompression of the biliary ducts was considered to be the basis of treatment. Operative interventions in the patients of the basic group were carried out from the mini- laparotomy access using specialized tool-set (firm”SAN”, Russia). In the control group, the operations, aimed to eliminate the obturation cause and the biliary ducts sanitation, were carried out from the traditional laparotomy access. In the cases of reliable and radical elimination of the biliary hypertension cause by EPST method, cholecystectomy was carried out by means of laparoscopy in the extended period. The operations from mini-laparotomy access in the patients with acute cholangiogenic infection allow performing the full range of manipulations on the biliary ducts and they correspond completely to the principles of insignificant invasiveness, adequacy and profitability. In the patients with favorable course of cholangiogenic infection it is more expedient to carry out one-stage radical surgical intervention from mini-laparotomy access, which will permit to cut down the total number of complications and terms of treatment considerably. Because of their insignificant traumatism, surgical interventions from mini-access are endured much easier by the patients and are accompanied by smaller number of post-operative complications and fatal outcomes.
- Машанский, А.А. Гнойный холангит / А.А.Машанский [и др.] // Хирургия. – 2002. - №3 – с.58-65.
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- Сотниченко, Б.А. Холедохолитиаз у больных пожилого и старческого возраста / Б.А.Сотниченко, К.В.Гончаров // Вестник хирургии. – 2001. - №1. – С.113-117.
- Султанов, С.А. Модифицированная двухэтапная тактика лечения желчнокаменной болезни, осложненной холедохолитиазом / С.А.Султанов, А.А.Архипов // Эндоскопическая хирургия. – 204. - №4. – С.26-29.
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- Колб В.Г. Лабораторная диагностика хирургических заболеваний. Справочное пособие / В.Г.Колб, В.С.Камышников. – Мн.: Выш.шк., 1993. – 185 с.
At present, study of the nasal breathing function is believed to be one of the most significant elements in the evaluation of the functional nasal cavity state. The subjective evaluation factor, too little available information and technical incompleteness should be referred to the considerable shortcomings of the main investigation methods.
To work out a method of the nasal breathing investigation, which permits to evaluate the degree of the nasal breathing difficulty objectively, the otolaryngology chair of Vitebsk State Medical University has estimated the surgery effectiveness in 18 patients with deviated nasal septum. The modified method of spirography, rhinospirography, has been used to evaluate the nasal breathing state. By means of this method in the preoperative and postoperative periods, the direct connection between the subjective nasal breathing changes and dynamics of the studied indicators has been found. Based on the analysis of the obtained data, the degrees of the nasal cavity obstruction (moderate, average and marked) have been singled out. The proposed method is characterized by simplicity and accuracy of the obtained findings and it provides us with more information. Moreover, available spirographs at any department of the functional diagnostics permit to use this method without expensive specialized equipment for nasal breathing measuring.
- Борзов, Е.В. Исследование носового дыхания методом компьютерной пневмотахометрии / Е.В. Борзов, С.Б. Лопатин // Российская ринология. – 1996. - № 2-3. – С. 42 – 43.
- 2. Кицера, А.Е. Измерение и оценка дыхательной функции носа (ринопневмометрия) // А.Е. Кицера, А.А. Борисов, Ю.Г. Рыбачук // Вестн. оториноларингологии. - 1986. - № 2. - С. 78 - 81.
- Пальчун, В.Т. Практическая оториноларингология: учеб. пособие для студентов медицинских вузов / В.Т. Пальчун, Л.А. Лучихин, М.М. Магомедов. – М.: ООО «Медицинское информационное агенство», 2006. – 368 с.
- Пискунов, С.З. некоторые вопросы физиологии и патофизиологии носа и околоносовых пазух / С.З. Пискунов // Российская ринология: материалы конференции, посвященной пятилетию Российского общества ринологов. - 1997. – С. 12-15.
- Jones, N.S. Principles of correcting the septum in septorhinoplasty: two point fixation / N.S. Jones // J. Laryngol. Otol. – 1999. - Vol. 113, N 5. – P. 405- 412
- Pastorek, N.J. Treating the caudal septal dislocation / N.J. Pastorek, D.G. Becker // Arch. Facial Plastic Surg. – 2000. – N 2. – P. 217-220.
- Toriumi, D.M. Subtotal reconstruction of the nasal septum: a preliminary report / D.M. Toriumi // Laryngoscope. – 1994. – N 104.– P. 906-913.
Renal colic is acutely appearing algesic, dyspeptic, urinary symptom complexes, leading to the reaction of the cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems of the body. Abdominal syndrome and the peculiarities of the neuropsychological development are caused by insufficiency and inaccuracy of self-sensation estimation which result in children’s hospitalization to the surgical department and in diagnostics and tactics mistakes.
48 case histories of children with RC were studied, who were receiving treatment at the surgical department of Vitebsk infantile regional clinical hospital during the last 10 years. In 52% of all cases the cause of RC was salt diathesis (dismetabolic nephropathy); in 48% cases it was caused by urolithiasis. Significance of clinical symptoms and informative diagnostics methods are evaluated. Since urostasis and inflammation are revealed only in 22, 9%, it is accentuated to diagnose and treat salt diathesis according to urolithiasis principles.
- Лопаткин, Н. А. Руководство по урологии / Н. А. Лопаткин. – М.: Мед., 1998. –Т.2. – 765 с.
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Peyronie’s disease is a serious problem in modern medicine. That’s why further study of this disease, development of new and effective therapeutic methods, and their application in the real clinical practice are required. This problem is becoming especially actual because of the disease case increase during the last years. At present, sickness rate of the male population comprises 1-2% or 388 cases out of 100000 people.
In this article we suggest the literature review on this topic (causes, clinical features, stages, possible complications, diagnostic methods, conservative and surgical methods of treatment). We have also provided the results of a 10-year research (from 1996 till 2005, 99 cases) in which we have evaluated the treatment of this pathology, have analyzed the correlation between the results of treatment and the number of performed therapy courses, initial size of plaques, how early a patient has applied for medical help, and application of different methods of medical therapy and physiotherapy. We have evaluated the long term results of the treatment. On the basis of our research results, we offer the most effective scheme of this pathology treatment.
- Тиктинский, О. Л. Урология и андрология в вопросах и ответах / О. Л. Тиктинский, В. В. Михайличенко. – С.-Пб., 1998. – С. 373-375.
- Карпухин, И. В. Физические факторы в восстановительном лечении больных болезнью Пейрони / О. Л. Тиктинский, В. В. Михайличенко // Вопросы курортологии. – 2000. – №1. – С. 51-53.
- Гаспарян, А. М. Руководство по клинической урологии / А. М. Гаспарян. – М., 1970. – С. 403-405.
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Three cases of the operative treatment of the patients with the retroperitoneal formations are described in the article. The presented observations show the diversity of different pathology of the retroperitoneal space.
It is demonstrated that the retroperitoneal space formations can be the manifestation of the pathology of the retroperitoneally located organs or extra-organ genesis. This pathology diagnostics based on the present-day level of medicine development doesn’t cause any difficulties.
At the same time the operative interventions in case of this pathology demand good knowledge of retroperitoneal space topographic anatomy. Correct choice of operative access is also very important.
In the article the literature review is presented on one of the most significant problems of vascular surgery – on diagnosis and treatment of chronic obliterating diseases of the lower extremities arteries (CODLEA). Historic background is given on terminology; the main risk groups are determined. The problems of atherosclerosis etiology are studied from the present-day positions based on the theories of endothelium arteries damage, hyperlipidemia, arterial hypertension impact, inflammation. It is pointed that an essential role in CODLEA pathogenesis plays microcirculation disturbance. The notion of critical ischemia of the extremities is analyzed in detail and its characteristics are given. Modern classification of CODLEA is presented. The advantages and disadvantages of the basic methods of investigation are minutely described, in particular, arterial and tissue blood flow evaluation. Present-day principles of conservative and operative treatment of the patients with chronic obliterating disease of the lower extremities arteries are reflected in the given article.
- Баженов, Л. Г. К вопросу о роли инфекционного фактора в этиопатогенезе атеросклероза / Л. Г. Баженов, Г. Ф. Ишанкулова, Ю. С. Гнедина // Сердечно-сосудистая хирургия и ангиология: сб. докл. Второй международной дистанционной науч.-практ. конф., 15-30 декабря 2004 г. – СПб., 2004. – С. 18-21.
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- Гавриленко, А. В. Артериализация поверхностного венозного кровотока голени и стопы в лечении критической ишемии нижних конечностей при дистальной форме их поражения / А. В. Гавриленко, С. И. Скрылев, А. В. Вериго // Анналы хирургии. – 2000. – № 2. – С.48-52.
- Гавриленко, А. В. Артериализация поверхностного венозного кровотока голени и стопы как альтернатива ампутации при критической ишемии нижних конечностей и несостоятельности дистального сосудистого русла / А. В. Гавриленко, С. И. Скрылев, Е. А. Кузубова // Ангиология и сосудистая хирургия. – 2001. – Т. 7, № 1. – С.49-53.
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The literature review on one of the most important sections of phlebology - diagnosing and treatment of acute deep venous thrombosis of the lower extremities – is presented in the article. At present, the given problem is an actual one and it hasn’t been completely solved because of etiology complexity, disease pathogenesis, variety of clinical manifestations, difficulties in diagnosing and absence of a single treatment approach. Modern scientific data on epidemiology of the disease, etiology and pathogenesis of venous thrombogenesis are given in the article. The overview of new scientific data on the methods of laboratory, instrumental diagnostics and molecular-genetic investigations is submitted in the article. The problems of tactics and the principles of present-day approach to the treatment of acute deep venous thrombosis of the lower extremities are illuminated. The possibilities of complex therapy are estimated and characteristic of surgical methods is given. Rehabilitation aspects in the patients who have acute deep venous thrombosis of the lower extremities are discussed. Modern pathogenic approaches to the disease prevention are reflected in the research.
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Chronic instability of the shoulder joint due to partial damage of tendons of short rotators of the shoulder is the most common and at the same time the most diverse from a standpoint of treatment which is explained by the variety of nature, mechanism and polymorphism of the origin of this particular pathology. The article concerns the analysis of native and world literature on the problems connected with the nature of origin and treatment of partial damage of shoulder rotator cuffs from the 30s of the last century to the present time. It is shown that there is great percentage of patients with unsatisfactory long-term results of treatment. The conclusion is made that the volume of operations used by the authors helps to increase the subacromial space, to free the coracoid-acromial interval, thereby to eliminate or reduce the pain syndrome by extracting the damaged tendon. The drawback of the described methods of treatment of partially damaged cuffs is the instability of the restoration of the active adduction of the shoulder due to the increased length of the unextracted tendon of the supraspinous muscle. This shows that the diagnosis of such conditions is very difficult and the final diagnosis can be made only by means of MRI or US investigation.
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