Year 2011 Vol. 19 No 5




Objectives. To study structural changes in small intestine's wall and the ways of its correction at the experimental widespread purulent peritonitis.
Methods. In experiment on 55 rabbits-males of the chinchilla breed using light and electronic microscopy, structural changes of small intestine were studied at an experimental widespread purulent peritonitis.
Results. Introduction into the abdominal cavity of aerobic-anaerobic culture of E. Coli and B. fragilis causes in 6 hours the expressed destructive damages of villi of the mucous coat, dystrophic and necrotic changes of the muscular coat, and also disturbance of blood and lymph circulation in the small intestine wall. The specified changes, and also structural disorganization and damage of the small intestine muscular coat myocytes mitochondrion testify to early development of enteric insufficiency at the widespread purulent peritonitis.
Conclusions. The comparative analysis of application at experimental widespread purulent peritonitis of metabolic preparations "Citoflavin" containing amber acid and "Neoton" containing phosphocreatine has revealed high efficiency of the first one. It was proved by decrease of inflammation, preservation of an energy potential of cells due to prevention of mitochondrion destruction and as result of this decrease of dystrophic and necrotic changes development and more intensive restoration of the small intestine wall structure.

Keywords: widespread purulent peritonitis, small intestine, structural changes, mitochondria, "Neoton", "Citoflavin"
p. 9 – 16 of the original issue
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