Year 2010 Vol. 18 No 4




Objectives. To evaluate the effect of the blood pressure level on the blood loss at the primary total hip replacement carried out under the spinal anesthesia.
Methods. 607 patients were included in the investigation in which hip replacement was performed under the normotensive spinal anesthesia (197 patients) with the maintenance of the systolic blood pressure at 95-120 mm Hg and under the spinal anesthesia with the controlled hypotensive effect on the background infusion of the micro-doses of adrenaline (410 patients) at the systolic blood pressure level 70-95 mm Hg during the key stages of the operation.
Results. The level of the blood pressure at the hip replacement is found out to influence significantly the volume of the intraoperative and total blood loss as well as the rate of the intraoperative blood loss. The volume of the intraoperative and total blood loss decreases significantly at the maintenance of the systolic blood pressure at 80-100 mm Hg at the key stages of the operation.
Conclusions. Reducing systolic blood pressure less than 80 mm Hg at the hip replacement is inappropriate since it isn’t accompanied by further reduction of the intraoperative or total blood loss volume.

Keywords: hip replacement, spinal anesthesia, blood loss
p. 82-90 of the original issue
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