Year 2009 Vol. 17 No 2




Traditional cannulation (without ultrasound guidance) is often (5–20%) associated with several dangerous complications. Patients with liver disease have higher risk of complications due to coagulation disturbances. We have presented our first experience of 32 successful central vein catheterizations in the patients with cirrhosis including 8 patients to whom central vein catheter has been inserted directly before liver transplantation. Economic benefits based on experience of foreign authors are given. Advantages of ultrasound technique over traditional approach have been pointed out. It seems reasonable to train anesthesiologists in ultrasound imaging of the vessels and ultrasound guidance for central vein cannulation. In the future the role of ultrasound-guided technique should be assessed in lowering rate of late complications such as thrombotic or/and infectious.

Keywords: central vein, central vein cannulation, complications, ultrasound imaging
p. 91 - 97 of the original issue
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